There are many things competing for your time that may prevent you from getting enough exercise. These life hacks, or practical tips, that I will present will get you exercising and loving it in no time. Some of these life hacks require a little effort, but most can be incorporated into your life without much effort.
Why Is Exercise So Important?
Regular exercise is important for keeping you healthy. However, you should not confuse being busy with getting enough exercise. Yes, you may work very hard at work and come home tired, but that does not mean that you have worked your heart, muscles, and joints enough to stay healthy.
Exercising regularly is not just for people who want to lose weight. Exercise is good for everyone because it can help to:
- Give you more energy
- Build stronger muscles, joints, and bones
- Improve how your heart and lungs work
- Lower your blood pressure
- Reduce cholesterol
- Decrease body fat
- Make you more flexible
- Feel good about yourself
- Make your clothes fit better
- Sleep better at night
- Manage stress better
- Improve your blood sugar
- Reduce menstrual cramps
- Improve resistance to illness
- Increase self-esteem and body image
- Keep up with the active children in your life
- Be a good role model to those around you
Wow! That’s a lot of benefits.
So, here are some life hacks for getting more exercise.
Life Hack 1: Invest in a Good Pair of Workout Shoes
You need to spend a little extra money on buying a good pair of workout shoes. These shoes should have good cushioning and arch support. Additionally, they should feel so good that you’ll look forward to putting them on.
The salesperson can help you find one that’s right for you. Keep an extra pair at work to walk on your lunch break. You will need to purchase a new pair of shoes every 4 to 6 months because when you exercise regularly the shoes will lose their cushioning and support after a while.
Above all else, please do not exercise in high heel shoes or flip flops because they will do serious damage to your feet and back over time.
Life Hack 2: Set Realistic Goals
You will need to set both short-term and long-term S.M.A.R.T. exercise goals. A short-term goal may be to walk at least 15 minutes, 3 days a week for the next two weeks. Your next goal may to walk at least 30 minutes 5 to 7 days a week.
If you are trying to lose weight, your long-term goal should be to do 60 minutes or one hour of moderate-intensity physical activity 5 to 7 days a week. It may take you 6 months or a year to get there, but at least have a goal in mind. You do not have to do it all at one time during the day. You can do 30 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch, and 20 minutes in the evening.
Additionally, you should track your goals. Keep a record of when you exercised, the type of activity you did, and how long you did so. When you don’t feel like you are making progress, just go back and look at where you were a few weeks ago. You will be surprised at how much progress you made. For example, you can write in your journal things like:
- Walked the dog for 10 minutes before work
- Walked 10 minutes during lunch break
- Rode my bike for 30 minutes in the evening
- Stretched for 15 minutes before work
- Walked with my husband for 30 minutes in the evening
Life Hack 3: Start Slowly
The biggest mistake that you can make when starting an exercise program is starting too fast or trying to work too hard. Most people tend to do this at the start of a new year, close to their birthdays, or because they want to fit into an outfit for a wedding or special occasion.
So, start slowly and build up gradually. Â Walk for a few minutes to warm up your muscles and then do some gentle stretches to increase your flexibility and prevent injury. After that, you can speed up to a pace that you can continue for five to 10 minutes without getting too tired. Â As your stamina improves, you should gradually increase the amount of time you exercise and how hard you push yourself.Â
Life Hack 4: Schedule Your Workouts
Remember that you’re trying to live your best live. So, think of your workouts as investments in your health, happiness, and well-being. Make appointments with yourself to workout, at a specific time and place, just as you would with any other appointment.
You make appointments to get your medical checkups, teeth cleaned, and nails and hair done. So, make an appointment with yourself to exercise.Â
I recommend that you do some type of exercise in the morning, even if it is stretching for five minutes. You can then do a longer workout after work or during lunch if you can’t do it in the morning.  I get up at 5 a.m. during the week and I am at the gym by 6 a.m.  It’s not about how I feel, it’s about what I need to do.
Life Hack 5: Pack Your Gym Bag the Night Before
Selecting your outfit to go to work is one of the best habits that you can develop. Since I go to the gym at 6 am, my work clothes are hung up at night. My gym bag is also packed the night before since I shower at the gym and then go to work.
Packing a gym bag the night before means you will be prepared in the morning and will be less likely to forget important items like towels and underwear. Yes, I have forgotten to pack a towel and a bra to go to work. There’s nothing like trying to dry off from a shower with a sweaty t-shirt since air-drying is not an option. And, there’s nothing like wearing a gym bra to work.
My gym bag always has toiletries, a makeup bag, hair care products, shower slippers, and other necessities. But, every night I add fresh towels, underwear, work shoes, etc. I also charge my iPad and wireless headset. The only thing I do in the mornings is fill my water bottle, make a cup of tea for the drive, and put my gym bag, work clothes, and briefcase in the car.
Life Hack 6: Add Variety to Your Workout
Doing the same exercise routine each time can be boring. The body benefits from a variety of activities because different types of exercises work different parts of the body. You can vary your routine by:
- Walking or biking a different route
- Walking one day and biking the next day
- Playing outside with the kids
- Trying a new exercise machine at the gym
- Taking a dance class
- Doing a yoga class
- Lifting weights for your upper body one day and then lifting weights for your lower body the next day
- Gardening or doing yard work
Life Hack 7: Find an Exercise Buddy
If you don’t like to exercise alone then find someone to exercise with you. Tell a friend, relative, or a coworker that you really need the support and motivation. Exercising with a group can also be a lot of fun. Here are some other ways to get others involved:
- Start a walking club at work, church, or your neighborhood
- Walk the dog, a girl’s best friend
- Make family time exercise time
- Take a group fitness class at the gym
Life Hack 8: Drink Lots of Water
When you exercise, your body gets hot. Drinking water before, during, and after a workout will hydrate you, refresh you, and keep your body at a safe temperature.
- Drink a cup (8 ounces) of water about 10 minutes before you exercise
- Take a few sips as needed while you exercise
- Drink a cup (8 ounces) after you exercise
Life Hack 9: Warm Up and Cool Down
Warming up prepares your body for a workout. It gradually increases blood flow to your muscles and raises your body temperature. An example of a good warm-up activity is to walk slowly for 5 to10 minutes.
After the short walk, stretch your muscles for a few minutes. Make sure you gently stretch any muscles that feel tight like your calves. Hold each stretch for about 30 seconds. Don’t bounce the muscles because it may cause injury. After you have warmed up, start exercising.
After you have exercised, take time to cool down. Cooling down reduces the temperature of your muscles. It also will reduce stiffness and soreness.
Cooling down is similar to warming up. Walk slowly for 5 to 10 minutes after your workout and then do a few stretches.Â
Life Hack 10: Reward Yourself
Reward yourself when you reach one of your fitness goals. The reward should not be food, so forget about treating yourself to a big bowl of ice cream. Instead, you can treat yourself by:
- Going to a movie or play
- Getting a massage, manicure, or pedicure
- Buying new underwear
- Buying a new color of lipstick or nail polish
- Buying new workout clothes
- Buying a nicely scented body lotion
Regular exercise is an investment in your health, happiness, and well-being.
Which of these life hacks will you implement this week?
We look forward to hearing about your experience in the comment section of this blog. Or you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Group.
Keep It Tight Sisters.
Eat. Move. Breathe.
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