How to Survive A No Sugar Challenge

Have you just accepted a no sugar challenge?  Well, welcome to the club.  No sugar challenges offer friendly competitions and an opportunity to kick the sugar habit with friends.  So, why are no sugar challenges so popular?  And, why did I invite my friends and the Keep It Tight Sisters community to participate in a … read more

Weight Loss Strategies for Sisters: Planning for Success

Weight loss is a dirty word.  So, I give you permission to cuss a little, roll your eyes, suck your teeth, and let out a long sigh.  The thought of losing weight or going on another diet causes anxiety, stress, and feelings of failure.  However, it is the number one thing that women ask me … read more

Belly Fat: A Sign of Insulin Resistance and Prediabetes

Belly fat, lady pooch, muffin top—or whatever you want to call your little friend hanging over your waistband—is one of the things you probably hate about your body.  And, you’re not alone.  Men and women consistently rate their stomach/gut/belly as the most hated part of their bodies.  Some of us wrestle the belly fat into … read more