How to Jump Start Weight Loss by Choosing the Right Diet

Do you need a weight-loss jump start?  Have you run out of motivation after your New Years’ resolution or do you just need to lose those last 10 pounds to get to your goal?  If so, then a weight-loss jump start should begin with choosing the right diet.

“Which diet do you recommend for weight loss?” Kayla asked and looked away nervously.  

I freeze for a moment and take a deep breath.  So, I hear this question often as a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN).  Furthermore, I often hear the anxiety, frustration, stress, and feelings of failure within that question.  

So, which diet do I recommend for weight loss?  If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, then, you guessed it. 

I don’t recommend any particular type of weight loss diet.  There is no single weight-loss jump start diet that works for everyone.  However, in the short-term, I will ask several questions and provide tips for choosing a weight loss plan that might work for you. 

Choose a Plan to Manage Your Health Issues

We all want (or need) a weight-loss jump start for different reasons.  And, for some of you, the primary reasons are health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure.  Additionally, some of you may have joint pains that can be relieved with weight loss.   Or, maybe you get out of breath when you exercise for a while.  For Kayla, there was a history of diabetes in her family.  Furthermore, she knew her belly fat put her at risk for insulin resistance and prediabetes, and she wanted to avoid it.    However, regardless of your health issues, it is OK to get a weight-loss jump start just to look fabulous and live your best life. 

Jump Start Weight Loss by Using a Structured or Flexible Program

So, what type of dieter are you?  What type of weight loss plan do you want? Do you prefer a diet plan that shows you what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat?  If so, then a structured plan is best for you.  For example, this might mean paying to join a commercial program and attending meetings.  Or, it might mean using a meal-delivery service. 

Or, do you want a general idea of what to eat and what to avoid?  If so, then a flexible plan that gives you options is best for you.  For example, it might mean downloading an app, heading to a grocery store with a list of healthy foods, and walking every day. 

Use a Weight Loss Program that is Scientifically Sound

By now, you should know that there is no way that you can lose 10 pounds in three days.  So, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.  Don’t get desperate and waste money.  Dieting is big business.  In fact, the diet industry makes money off of people who are desperate to lose weight.

So, here are the things to look for when choosing a scientifically sound diet:

  • Promote slow and steady weight loss
  • Include a variety of foods from all the food groups
  • Do not rely strictly on purchasing their supplements and shakes
  • Teach portion control
  • Have adequate amounts of fiber
  • Include small portions of your favorite foods and beverages
  • Recommend drinking plenty of water
  • Help with managing stress and emotional eating
  • Emphasize regular exercise
  • Fits into your lifestyle
  • Include a maintenance plan

Focus on Steady Weight Loss

So, what is a safe amount of weight to lose every week?  Well, safe and effective weight loss averages one to two pounds per week.   Kayla rolled her eyes when I told her this.  Her response was, “Really, losing 20 pounds will take forever.  My cousin, Toni is on a plan that says she can lose 20 pounds in one month.” Yeah, but don’t forget that Toni always feels light headed and hungry.   

Losing one to two pounds per week amounts to burning about 500 calories per day through diet and exercise.  So, how did nutritionist come up with that number?  Well, one pound of fat equals 3,500 calories, and burning 500 calories a day for seven days (one week) equals 3,500.

Remember, if you lose a lot of weight too fast, you are actually losing more water and muscle than fat!  People lose a lot of weight on very-low-carb diets because the body loses water and is forced to use muscles and ketones for fuel.  This is not good in the long run!

Determine Your Budget

If you’re committed to jump starting your weight loss, you will need to determine your budget.  And, you will spend money whether you join a commercial program or do a self-help plan.  Now pay attention to this.  Your health insurance may pay for a weight loss program.  So, talk to your doctor about this.

If you’re watching your budget, then, get creative.  The costs of a new weight loss plan might include spending extra money on:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Prepackaged meals
  • Meal shakes and bars
  • Supplements
  • Leaner cuts of meat
  • Gym membership
  • New sneakers

Now, this is important.  If you don’t have money to spend on a commercial diet, don’t worry.  Here are some tips to save money:

  • Find a cheap or free program online. Be patient and skip the commercials
  • Download a free app to track your food, activity, and water intake
  • Exercise at home with free online videos
  • Take advantage of “free” one-week programs
  • Know the difference between a portion and a serving
  • Buy measuring cups and spoons 
  • Prep and make your own healthy meals
  • Buy the powdered shakes and make them at home instead of using the ready-made shakes 

Set Aside Time to Meal Prep

We live busy lives.  So, it is not surprising that having a busy schedule one of the reasons why many people stop following their diet.  Losing weight and keeping it off require time, energy, and commitment.  Be realistic. 

If you don’t have the time, then a program that sends packaged meals to your home may be the best for you.  Here are some tips to make things are a little easier:

  • Plan your menu for the week (including snacks)
  • Make a grocery list based on your menu
  • Save time and use prepackaged salads, cooked rotisserie chicken, and deli meats
  • Stock up on cans of tuna, sardines, and salmon for quick sources of protein 
  • Set aside a day on the weekend to meal prep 
  • Keep hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator 
  • Keep yogurt and meal replacement shakes or bars on hand

Choose a Plan You Can Live With

The best weight loss plan is one that you can live with in the long run.   So, find a plan that doesn’t make you feel that you’re “on a diet” all of the time. 

So, look for a plan that helps you to develop healthy habits, including managing your hunger, cravings, and stress.  Some of the questions Janelle asked herself included:

  • Can I take small steps in the beginning?
  • Does it work for my family? 
  • Will this plan work when I am on vacation or traveling for business?
  • Do I get a cheat day every now and then?

Now, It’s Your Turn

Well, I hope you feel more confident and educated about choosing the right weight loss diet for you to be successful.  And, as you choose the right plan for you, ignore the outlandish claims, deceptive advertising, and the paid endorsement of celebrities.  Instead, focus on what works for you in the long-term.     

I think you will also enjoy the blog post on why your weight matters, understanding fad diets and weight loss myths, and how to set SMART weight management goals

  1. Which of these tips will you use to jump start your weight loss?
  2. Make a list of your previous diets and write out what did or did not work for you. 
  3. Enlist your support crew and start your journey!

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Keep It Tight Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.