Hot Lemon Water . . . Enjoy the Benefits Throughout the Day

A tea setting of hot lemon water

Hot lemon water is one of the things that I drink in the morning. Yes, I’m a big fan of drinking apple cider vinegar daily.  However, on some days I drink hot lemon water instead of apple cider vinegar.  And, there is nothing like waking up and sipping a cup of hot lemon water as I get ready in the morning. 

However, I also enjoy the benefits of hot (or warm) lemon water throughout the day. Oh, and by the way, if you’re in an area where limes are a big thing, then substitute limes for lemons.  So, here is why I think that hot lemon water is so awesome.

Lemon and lime slices are good sources of vitamin C
Lemon and lime slices are good sources of vitamin C

Boosts Your Immune System

As with other citrus fruits, lemons have a lot of vitamin C.  And, many of us know that vitamin C shortens the duration of cold symptoms when we’re sick.  However, one of the reason for this is that vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.  

As I mentioned in a previous post on superfoods, antioxidants are natural compounds found in found in fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as some other foods. Antioxidants boost the immune system and neutralize free radicals in our bodies.  Free radicals are substances that occur naturally in our bodies.  However, they attack the fats, protein and the DNA in our cells. Additionally, free radicals speed up the aging process.  Free radicals also play a role in disease like cancer and heart disease.

Well, the good news is that juice of one lemon provides about 25% of the vitamin C needs of an adult. And, drinking one or two cups of hot lemon water can help you meet your vitamin C needs for the day.

Woman holding her stomach in pain
Hot lemon water aids digestion and prevents constipation

Aids Digestion

Drinking hot (or warm) lemon water stimulates your digestive system to get moving.  And, this improves your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste.  In fact, many people drink hot lemon water daily to prevent constipation.  Additionally, the sourness of the lemon also stimulates bile production, which further aids digestion.

Woman drinking hot lemon water to curb her hunger
Hot lemon water curbs hunger

Helps with Fasting

I fast once a week for spiritual reasons.  And, some days are harder than others.  However, drinking hot lemon water during the day makes fasting a lot easier.  Why? Well, drinking lemon water increases feelings of fullness, which curbs my hunger. 

Additionally, sipping the warm liquid gives me a mental feeling of satisfaction.  So, when I feel hungry, I pour some hot water over a few lemon slices, and it gets me through a rough patch. And, by the way, a few lemon slices have less than 10 calories.  So, it works well with intermittent fasting and Keto plans.

Scale with tape measure showing the potential benefits of lemon water with weight loss
Lemon water may help with weight loss

Supports Weight Loss

Studies consistently show that dieters who drink a lot of water (including with lemon) experience less hunger and stay fuller longer.  Specifically, one study found that dieters who drank about 16 ounces (2 cups) of water with their low-calorie diet lost 44% more than those who did not.  So, what is the bottom line?  Drink your water.

But wait, there’s more.  Lemons are a good source of polyphenols, which are packed with antioxidants.  Well, studies done on obese mice show that polyphenols help to break up fat and reduce insulin resistance.  As I mentioned in a previous blog post, belly fat is a key indicator of insulin resistance and prediabetes.  So, I’m not surprised by this finding .  However, these results have not been shown in humans (yet). Long sigh.

Beautiful woman with glowing skin
The vitamin C in lemon juice helps with healthy, glowing skin

Helps Skin to Glow

The vitamin C in lemon boosts collagen production, which prevents wrinkles and builds healthy skin tissue.  Additionally, vitamin C protects the skin from damage by the sun.  Of course, skin naturally ages, but adequate intakes of vitamin C can prevent too much damage from free radicals.   

Woman drinking a bottle of water with lemon juice
Increase your water intake by adding lemon juice or lemon slices

Increases Water Intake

Drinking lemon water (hot, warm, or cold) can increase your water intake. Based on current recommendations, women need at least 91 ounces of water per day, while men need at least 125 ounces.  However, many people don’t drink enough water because they “don’t like the taste.”  So, instead they drink sodas, juices, sports drink, etc. because they “taste good.” Additionally, they figure that these beverages are mostly water, so they are getting their water intake.  Hmm.  Yes, they have a lot of water.  However, they also have a lot of sugar.

So, go ahead and increase your water intake by adding lemon slices or a few squirts of lemon juice to it. And, this goes for drinking hot or cold water.

Now, It’s Your Turn

Well, I hope you feel more educated about the health benefits of lemon juice and drinking hot lemon water.  And, while hot lemon water is by no means a miracle cure, it certainly has earned the right to be sipped first thing in the morning.  So, go ahead and drink a cup of hot lemon water before you grab your morning coffee or tea.  

  1. On a scale of 1-5, how close are you to meeting your water needs for the day?
  2. How easy will it be to add hot lemon water to your daily routine?

We look forward to hearing about your experience with hot lemon water in the comment section of this blog.  And, you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Group.

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