7 Best Teas for Stomach Aches: Soothe Your Tummy Now

KITS image of one of the best teas for stomach ache.  There is a cup of tea with a tea ba.

Are you on the lookout for the best teas for stomach aches?  If so, you’re not alone.  More people are seeking natural remedies for gastrointestinal (GI) issues.  Indeed, stomach discomforts can derail your day, making it hard to focus on anything else. Thankfully, nature offers several solutions in the form of teas to help soothe and relieve symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and gas.  

Finding the right tea can be a game-changer. Each type of tea comes with its own set of benefits tailored to different kinds of stomach woes. Whether it’s nausea, bloating, gas, or general discomfort, there’s a tea that can help. The trick is knowing which one to choose. With various options available, from ginger’s spicy kick to peppermint’s cooling touch, your path to relief is as simple as boiling water.

Today, we discuss the seven best teas for tackling various stomach issues. We’ll explore the flavors and traditions behind each tea and the science. So, how do these teas work their magic on your GI system in just a few minutes? Read on to find out.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the benefits of chamomilegingerpeppermint, licorice, green tea, fennel, and dandelion teas for relieving stomach aches.
  • Learn how herbal teas naturally calm various stomach ailments.
  • Find out how these teas can provide relief for various digestive issues, including indigestion and cramps
  • Incorporate these teas into your daily routine to promote healthy digestion.
  • Remember to consult a healthcare professional if you have persistent symptoms or concerns.

How Teas Calm the Stomach

A cup of herbal tea offers a holistic approach to treating tummy upsets, blending the art of relaxation with the science of herbal medicine. Each sip carries compounds that can calm, stimulate, or settle tummy troubles, depending on the nature of the discomfort. Whether it’s the unsettling dance of indigestion or the sharp twinges of cramps, brewing a cup of tea can bring relief in a few minutes.

Hot teas bring warmth and comfort that relax abdominal muscles and reduce spasms. Moreover, taking a moment to enjoy a cup of tea can relax you and reduce stress-related digestive issues.

Chamomile Tea: The Gentle Floral Soother

Chamomile tea, with its delicate floral flavor, is a gentle remedy for a stomach ache.  Thanks to its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s particularly effective in calming the stomach and reducing inflammation. Chamomile can also help relax the nervous system, which is beneficial for stress-related digestive problems. Its gentle nature makes it suitable for all ages, providing a comforting remedy for upset stomachs before bedtime.

  • Calms stomach aches: Offers gentle relief for discomfort.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Helps calm the digestive tract.
  • Promotes sleep: Aids in relaxation and sleep quality.
  • Relieves cramping: Eases muscle spasms in the digestive tract.
  • Supports digestion: Encourages overall digestive health.

It is hard to find chamolie flowers to brew, but they are available in tea bags. Some of the brands I like are:

Yogi Comforting Chamomile Tea

Taylors Organic Chamomile Tea

KITS image of best teas for stomach aches.  A cup of ginger tea with lemon slices, fresh ginger, and cinnamon stick on a table

Ginger Tea: The Warm, Spicy Digestive Aid

A cup of ginger tea brings a spicy warmth that immediately calms an upset stomach. Beyond its comforting heat, ginger is one of the best teas for stomach aches because it contains gingerol. This is a compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This makes ginger tea an excellent choice for easing nausea, including morning and motion sickness. It also stimulates digestion and improves absorption, making it a versatile remedy for various stomach discomforts and ailments.

  • Eases nausea: Ideal for motion sickness or pregnancy-related nausea.
  • Stimulates digestion: Encourages the production of digestive enzymes.
  • Relieves gas and bloating: Helps to reduce discomfort from gas.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Soothes the digestive tract.
  • Improves absorption: Aids in the efficient absorption of nutrients.

I buy fresh ginger weekly for cooking and making teas. However, when I travel, I take along these tea bags:

Yogi Ginger Variety Pack (Ginger, Ginger Mango, Ginger Lemon)

Premimum Turmeric Ginger Cinnamon Tea

Peppermint Tea: A Refreshing Digestive Soother

Peppermint tea is one of the best teas for stomach aches. It is renowned for its refreshing taste and potent digestive benefits. It contains menthol, which has a natural cooling effect that can help relieve stomach pain and reduce inflammation. Peppermint tea is particularly effective for symptoms of IBS, including bloating and gas. While peppermint is the most popular, other mint teas like spearmint also offer similar benefits, though they may be milder due to differences in menthol content.

  • Relieves IBS symptoms: Reduces cramping and bloating.
  • Soothes stomach aches: Eases general digestive discomfort.
  • Reduces bloating and gas: Helps digest more comfortably.
  • Promotes relaxation: Calms the entire digestive system.
  • Freshens breath: A nice bonus on top of its digestive aid.

I grow different varieties of mints in containers. I recently planted candy mint, spearmint, apple mint, mint julep, and peppermint. However, I always have tea bags on hand. Some of the brands I like are:

Choice Organic Mint Variety Pack (Cocoa Mint, Mint Sage, Peppermint)

Yogi Perfectly Peppermint

Licorice Root Tea: A Sweet Shield for Your Stomach Lining

Licorice root tea offers a sweet, comforting taste and substantial digestive system benefits. I believe it is one of the best teas for stomache aches because it soothes stomach ulcers and relieves heartburn. It works its magic by enhancing the mucous coating of the stomach lining. This creates a protective barrier against acid.

  • Protects stomach lining: Forms a protective layer to shield against acid.
  • Relieves heartburn: Reduces acid reflux symptoms.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Soothes inflammation in the digestive system.
  • Supports digestion: Aids in the smooth functioning of the digestive process.
  • Immune support: Enhances overall immune system health.

I like to drink licorice tea after dinner to help with digestion. It has a nice, fancy, upscale vibe. Some brands that I like are:

Stash Licorice Spice Herb Tea

Yogi Egyptian Licorice Mint

KITS image of one of the best teas for stomach aches.  A glass mug of green tea with sprigs of rosemary.

Green Tea: The Gentle Antioxidant-Rich Digestive Aid

Green tea is celebrated for its high antioxidant content, offering benefits that extend beyond digestive health. However, it is also one of th best teas for stomach aches. It is a gentle aid for digestion, helping to reduce inflammation and assist in metabolizing fats. It is also one of the best teas for intermittent fast.

Green tea contains catechins, which have been shown to support digestive health. It’s best enjoyed in moderation due to its caffeine content, which can aggravate certain digestive conditions if consumed in excess.

  • Supports digestive health: Aids in the smooth operation of the digestive system.
  • Reduces inflammation: Helps calm inflammation in the gut.
  • Aids in fat metabolism: Assists in breaking down fats.
  • Rich in antioxidants: Supports overall health with high antioxidant content.
  • Hydrating: Provides necessary fluids for digestion.

Green tea is also available without caffeine.

Tazo Regenerative Organic Zen Green Tea

Bigelow Green Tea with Ginger and Probiotics

Fennel Tea: The Sweet, Anise-Flavored Digestive Support

Most people have never heard of fennel tea or why it’s one of the best teas for stomach aches. This tea, with its sweet, licorice-like flavor, is a traditional remedy known for its digestive benefits.  Fennel seeds are rich in compounds that can help relieve gas, indigestion, and other issues. This tea is particularly effective in soothing the digestive tract and enhancing digestion due to its antispasmodic properties. It also acts as a diuretic, helping to reduce water retention and bloating.

  • Alleviates gas and bloating: Reduces discomfort and pressure.
  • Enhances digestion: Promotes the smooth functioning of the gut.
  • Antispasmodic: Eases stomach and intestinal cramps.
  • Diuretic effects: Helps with water retention.
  • Sweetens breath: Improves breath freshness.

I like these brands of fennel tea:

Buddah Teas Organic Fennel Seed Tea

FullChea Fenel Seed Bags

Dandelion tea in a glass mug surrounded by yellow dandelion flowers on a table

Dandelion Root Tea: A Bitter Boost for Liver and Digestion

Dandelion tea can be made from the flowers, leaves, stems, and roots of the dandelion plant, each part offering unique health benefits. The root, in particular, is known for its bitter compounds that stimulate digestion and support liver health. Dandelion root tea aids in detoxifying the liver, a key organ in the digestive process, and promotes healthy digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes.

  • Stimulates digestion: Encourages the production of digestive enzymes.
  • Supports liver health: Aids in detoxifying and supporting liver function.
  • Diuretic properties: Reduces bloating and water retention.
  • Rich in nutrients: Provides vitamins A, C, D, and B-complex.
  • Eases constipation: Promotes regular bowel movements.

A previous blog post showed how to make dandelion tea from from roots, flowers, and leaves. However, dandelion tea bags are readily available online.

Organic Dandelion Root and Leaf Tea

FullChea Dandelion Root and Leaf Tea Bags

Now, It’s Your Turn

Well, I hope you learned more about the best teas for stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, or gas. benefits The use of many herbal teas is steeped in tradition and backed by modern health science. 

We encourage you to try a few of these teas the next time you want to settle an upset tummy or help with digestion after a meal. Here are some other posts we think you will enjoy reading:

7 Benefits of Turmeric Ginger Cinnamon Tea

What are the Best Intermittent Fasting Teas

How to Make Dandelion Tea from Roots, Flowers, and Leaves

Mushroom Tea: Potential Benefits, Side Effects, and Recipes

Knock that Cold Out with Caribbean Ginger Tea with Lemon and Honey

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Keep It Tight, Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.

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