10 Short Prayers for Weight Loss and Overeating to Use Now

Keep It Tight Sisters photo of woman prayer for overeating, food addiction, and weight loss

Prayers for overeating and food addiction can be key elements in your weight loss journey. If you are a person of faith, you probably pray often for the safety, happiness, and well-being of yourself, your friends, and your family.  And, when you or a loved one gets sick, you probably don’t hesitate to pray for healing. 

But how often do you use prayers for weight loss, overeating, and food addiction?    

If you’ve read any of my previous blogs on weight loss, you know that I do not recommend any specific plan. I have provided you with tips on how to jump-start your weight loss. Additionally, I have shown you how to refocus your goals to keep the weight off.

Regardless of the meal plan or fitness program that you choose, using short prayers for weight loss, overeating, and food addiction can strengthen your faith and build resilience

How Prayers for Weight Loss, Overeating, and Food Addiction Can Help

Prayers can help soothe and comfort us when we experience pain, grieve the loss of a loved one, or deal with difficult circumstances.  Additionally, studies show that people pray to cope with anxiety and feelings of hopelessness.  Notably, one study found a 50% increase in online searches for prayers during the COVID-19 pandemic.  In fact, the highest recorded Google search for prayers occurred in March 2020. 

Prayers for overeating and food addiction work similarly to positive affirmations.  Affirmations are statements or phrases that are repeated to replace negative self-talk or the broken record in your head that tells you that you will not or cannot lose weight. Now, you don’t want to miss this.  Like affirmations, prayers can reprogram our subconscious mind and help us to manifest our desires.  And, in this case, you want to manifest losing weight and keeping it off.

However, the power of prayer goes further.  With prayers, you don’t depend on your willpower.  Instead, you acknowledge the role of God or a Higher Power (based on your beliefs) to strengthen you, comfort you, and help you develop a nurturing relationship with food.    

The short prayers that follow are designed to work alongside your eating plan, exercise program, and other advice you received from your healthcare provider.

Image of prayers for overweight overeating, and food addiction with sunflower

Prayer for Weight Loss One

God who loves me as a Father and a Mother, I’ve struggled with my weight and overeating for a very long time.  And, it has finally brought me to my knees.  Today, I finally admit that I am powerless over overeating and my food addiction. I confess that I overeat when I’m stressed, tired, bored, overwhelmed, and lonely. Indeed, my eating is unmanageable and out of control. I now understand the meaning of “powerlessness.” Help me to stop denying my food addiction so that the healing can begin.  Amen.

Image of prayers for overweight overeating, and food addiction with butterlies

Prayer for Weight Loss Two

Lord, I’ve tried to stop overeating on my own so many times.  But, deep in my heart, I know that my hunger and thirst is not for food or drink, but for you.  Heal my anxious, obsessive thoughts.  I give you my overeating and food addiction and lay them at your feet.  Restore my sanity and heal my spirit.  Amen.

Image of prayers for overweight overeating, and food addiction with pottery

Prayer for Weight Loss Three

Restorer of Broken Vessels, I have nothing to offer you but myself.  I know that in your eyes, I am a masterpiece because I was created in your image. Rebuild me according to your purpose and will for my life.  Show me the lessons that I must learn so that I may have victory over my overeating and food addiction.   Amen.

Prayers for weight loss

Prayer for Weight Loss Four

Lord, In the past, I blamed people and circumstances for why I overate and gained weight.  I use food as a quick fix for comfort and a patch for my hidden wounds.  As part of my healing, I will write in my journal my fears, doubts, disappointments, and weaknesses. However, I will also count my blessings and celebrate my progress.  Amen.

Prayers for weight loss

Prayer for Weight Loss Five

Comforter, as I lay my head on your shoulders, I feel your heart beating to the same rhythm as mine.  And, when I gaze into your eyes, I know that you are calling me out and calling me up.  In the past, I blinked and turned away in shame. But today, I hold your gaze and ask you for strength to stay on my eating and exercise plan.

Prayers for weight loss

Prayer for Weight Loss Six

My Creator, I am still filled with wonder when I hear you whisper that I am your masterpiece.  Yes, a masterpiece, though fragile and frail at times. Thank you for reminding me that my body is your temple. Show me how to love, honor, and embrace my body as it is right now, even as I struggle with my weight and my body image.

Prayers for weight loss

Prayer for Weight Loss Seven

Giver of Wisdom, show me the women who need to be in my Sister Circle.  I cannot get to a healthy weight or conquer my overeating without the embrace, presence, and prayers of your other daughters. Help me to embrace the freedom that comes with being vulnerable and honest with others.  Amen.

Prayers for weight loss


Savior, remove from me the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.  Sometimes, I feel like this hunger is consuming me.  When a craving comes, my hands shake, and my mouth waters.  Help me to breathe and know that this craving will pass.  It too will pass.  Amen.

Prayers for weight loss


Giver of Hope, I give you all of me.  You continue to show me where I need to trust you and where I need to be healed. You smile and cheer me on when I am obedient.  And when I am my own worst enemy and choose food as my comforter, you offer forgiveness and grace.  Continue to strengthen me guide as I aim to do your will.  Amen.  

Prayers for weight loss

Prayer for Weight Loss Ten

Way Maker, today was rough.  It went well until I came home. I thought that I could treat myself to one bite or one spoonful.  I throw my hands up and cry out to you.  Please hear my cry and make a way for me to get back on the path to health, healing, and wholeness. Amen.

Keep It Tight Sisters image of woman using prayers for weight loss

Now, It’s Your Turn

Well, I hope that you will use these short prayers for overeating, food addiction, and weight often.  Repeat one or more of them throughout the day.  I think you will also enjoy reading 13 daily affirmations for weight loss, 9 beautiful Black queen quotes about loving your body, and 9 empowering quotes on being fearless

Please share one of your favorite prayers with us in the comment section.

We look forward to hearing about your experience with using affirmations.  You can also join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Page.

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We also have many self-care boards for you to follow on Pinterest.

Keep It Tight, Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.