Self-Care . . . Girl, It’s More Than a Facial and a Pedicure

Self-care is a popular term that is used, and it means different things to different people. However, at its core, self-care means that you intentionally choose to have a healthy relationship with yourself. Additionally, it means that you do all that you can to take care of all the dimensions of your self—body, mind, and spirit.

Self-care is the key to being the best version of you and living your best life.  Unfortunately, it also may be one of the most neglected parts of your life.

Woman with a sign asking for help with self-care
Don’t wait until you burnout to practice self-care

Why Self-Care is Difficult

While self-care may be easy for some people, it is very difficult for most of us to make ourselves or our health a priority. And, how we perceive and practice self-care are complicated by our culture, ethnicity, gender, financial status, social hierarchy, family background, and values.

For example, my friend, Ying Li told me that self-care is difficult for her because her immigrant family values hard work.  They own a small Chinese grocery store and deli, which is opened every day of the week.  And, as an only child, she literally grew up in the back of the store sleeping in a small playpen until she was old enough to help in the store.  Her parents have never taken a vacation and they go the doctor only when they are sick.

Self-care is not a luxury!

And, what about you?  What is your story and the realities of your daily life that prevents you from practicing self-care and fiercely guarding your time and energy?  Do these sound familiar?

  • Busy mom at home raising little ones
  • Executive mom kicking butt in the workplace and chauffeuring kids to their soccer games and dance recitals
  • Single entrepreneur working 12-hour days to get that business off the ground or to the next level
  • Part-time graduate student working a full-time job
  • Dedicated schoolteacher working two jobs to make ends meet
  • Retired woman taking care of elderly parents and babysitting grandchildren more often than you would like
  • Write your own . . .
Woman in billowy white dress and cape on the beach
Self-care relieves stress and allows you to unwind

Why Self-Care is So Important

Self-care takes you out of “surviving” mode and puts you into “flourishing” and “thriving” mode.  We thrive (physically, mentally, and emotionally) and our relationships flourish.  In fact, a great self-care routine takes you from barely making it through the day to crushing it.  And, self-care allows you to be more focused and productive.  Of course, there are days when you will be bone tired and dragging home at the end of the day.  However, this will be the exception rather than the rule because self-care allows you to rest, reset, and recharge.

And, when you’re well rested, nourished, and recharged, your body is in great shape to fight illnesses and infections.  

Now, take a look at the list below.  You definitely need more self-care if you:

  • Get sick easily (colds, fever, cough, etc.) 
  • Worry too much
  • Feel tired and fatigued during the day
  • Look tired
  • Have constant aches and pain, especially in your feet, back, hips, neck, and shoulders
  • Are constantly overwhelmed at work and home
  • Take care of elderly parents and children
  • Work or live with toxic people
  • Supervise others
  • Don’t spend enough time with family or friends
  • Snack at night
  • Eat unhealthy meals
  • Drink too much
  • Work long hours
  • Sleep too much
  • Sit on too many committees
  • Watch too much TV
  • Spend too much time on social media
  • Volunteer too much
  • Don’t or can’t say no
  • Have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc.
  • Can pinch the fat around your gut
  • Don’t take regular vacations 
  • Feel angry and irritable most of the time
  • Add your own . . .

Now, I am sure that after looking at that list, we can agree that we should not wait until we burn out or burn up to practice self-care.

Meditation stones of different sizes
Self-care help you to balance the big and small things

Simple Self-Care Activities

Self-care does not happen by accident.  In fact, it has to be intentional, which means you have to plan what to do and when to do it.  There are no right or wrong ways to practice self-care because you know your life and you know what you need. 

So, for some people, self-care means regularly getting a facial and a pedicure.  But girl, self-care is much more than that.  

Now, I don’t want you to miss this concept.  Self-care needs to be holistic and soul nourishing! And, how you practice self-care is up to you.  However, I encourage you to practice some self-care each day to destress from the day or to handle what’s ahead the next day.  Life comes at us fast, and you don’t want to wait until you’re sick or lying flat on your face to have a plan.

Self-care needs to be holistic and soul nourishing!

Additionally, some self-care activities can be practiced weekly, monthly, or yearly (think vacation).  Oh, and I would like to add that self-care does not always mean spending time alone.  Sometimes, the best medicine is to spend time with people you love and like.  This can be as simple as staying home and watching a movie with the family with your phone turned off.  Or, it can be a weekend trip with your girlfriends.

Below is a list of things that you can add to your self-care practice.   And, I am sure that you can think of many more to add to the list.

Most self-care activities are free

Nourish Your Soul

  • Make a gratitude list at night
  • Pray
  • Meditate
  • Draw boundaries
  • Learn to say “no” without explaining
  • Join a spiritual community

Refocus Your Mind

  • Listen to music
  • Read at bedtime
  • Use aromatherapy
  • Color, draw, paint, or doodle without distractions
  • Turn off your phone
  • Take a break from social media

Recharge Your Body

  • Exercise 5 to 7 days a week
  • Get 6 to 8 hours of sleep
  • Get a facial, massage, manicure, or pedicure
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Reduce sugar intake
  • Eat 3 servings of vegetables a day
Woman relaxing and reading from a tablet
Plan self-care activities for the day, week, month, and year

Now, It’s Your Turn

Well, I hope  feel more confident and educated about the importance of self-care and how it benefits your overall health and well-being.  Additionally, I think you will also enjoy the blog post on box breathing can calm and energize you, a grateful pause, and 10 morning rituals to make you more productive.    

  1. On a scale from 1 to 10, how well do you take care of yourself?  Rate each of the following:
    1. Body
    2. Mind
    3. Spirit
  2. Spend an hour this week planning how to incorporate more self-care activities into your life.
    1. What are 2 things that you need to do more of?
    2. What are 2 things to say “no” to?
  3. Find time this week to connect with friends and family in ways that energize rather than exhaust you.

Remember, self-care is not a luxury!

Well, we look forward to hearing about your experience in the comment section of this blog.  And, you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Page.

If you enjoyed this post, please share it on your page or social network.  Your subscription to the blog is also appreciated!

We also have more than 70 self-care boards for you to follow on Pinterest.

Keep It Tight Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.