Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 40: A Beginner’s Guide

Intermittent fasting is a unique eating option for women over 40 who want to lose weight and keep it off.  If you’re over 40, you’ve realized that losing weight is more difficult than when you were in your 20s.

So, why is that?  Well, research shows that women experience significant changes in the hormones estrogen and testosterone during perimenopause and menopause.   And these hormonal changes contribute to weight gain and shift in body composition.  In addition to losing muscle, body fat accumulates and shifts to other areas in the body and muscle mass.  Have you noticed more fat around your gut, hips, and butt?  

As mentioned in previous posts, as a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), I do not recommend or endorse any specific diet.  And that’s because no single weight-loss plan works for everyone.  Additionally, there needs to be a consideration for medical/health conditions, weight loss goals, readiness to change, lifestyle, etc.  However, I do provide guidelines and tips for choosing a weight loss plan that might work for you.

I also wrote a 30-day journal to help women address the emotional and spiritual reasons why they eat when stressed or use food for comfort.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that alternates between periods of eating and fasting.  One of the keys to intermittent fasting is that it allows the digestive system to rest and repair while fasting. This process of cellular repair (or autophagy) is also needed to rejuvenate body cells and maintain healthy muscle mass. 

The body usually enters a state of fasting after about 12 hours of not having any calories consumed.  During this time, insulin levels drop low enough and long enough to use the body’s stored glucose (glycogen) as energy.  Intermittent fasting repeats this process often enough for the body to also use some of its body fat as a source of energy or fuel. Eventually, this leads to weight loss.

With intermittent fasting, all calories (from food and beverages) are consumed during specific, consecutive hours of the day.  For example, a 16/8 intermittent fasting time frame means that no calories are consumed for 16 consecutive hours, and all allotted calories or points are consumed over a period of eight consecutive hours.

Now, it is important to point out that intermittent fasting is not a diet.  Instead, it is an eating plan that focuses on when to eat rather than what to eat.  It does not require you to limit certain foods, track calories, or count points.  However, it can add value and structure if you’re trying to lose weight on a program that requires you to do those things.  Intermittent fasting may help you:

  • Eat less food
  • Consume fewer calories
  • Lose weight
  • Reduce body fat
  • Improve insulin resistance
  • Reduce your risks for heart disease and diabetes
  • Increase longevity
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Preserve muscle mass
  • Reduce brain fog
  • Improve mental clarity

In my opinion, in the long run, intermittent fasting for women over 40 also provides mental boundaries that offer psychological well-being and a sense of freedom even when you’re not trying to lose weight.

intermittent fasting for women over 40

Types of Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 40

There are several approaches to intermittent fasting.  It may take a few tries to find the one that fits your lifestyle. There are no special foods to purchase for intermittent fasting and no calories to count. Instead, you decide on the eating/fasting window and stick to it.

16:8 Intermittent Fasting

This is one of the most popular plans because it is less restrictive and fits into most lifestyles.  It requires restricting calories for 16 consecutive hours.  However, you can easily fit two or three healthy meals in the remaining eight hours.  Now, it is important to remember that about 7-8 of those fasting hours are happening while you’re sleeping.  

For example, if your last meal ends at 7 pm, then the 16 hours of fasting ends at 11 am.   Remember, after your last meal, you are not allowed any other calories from a glass of wine or a few pieces of dark chocolate. 

Instead, get it all in before 7 pm, and let your gut and digestive system get a much-needed rest.  For many of you, it will mean a late breakfast. However, you can enjoy unlimited water, coffee, and tea.  Generally, coffee and tea during fasting hours would have no sugar or cream.  Of course, not putting sugar or cream in your first cup of tea or coffee may take some adjustment.  However, it gets easier after a few days. 

14:10 or 12:12 Intermittent Fasting

Many women over 40 do better on shorter fasting periods, so these two methods may work better than the 16/8 method.  However, the principles are the same.  For example, in the 14/10 method, calories are restricted for 14 consecutive hours, and calories are only consumed over the course of 10 consecutive hours. For example, if your last meal ends at 7 pm, your fasting period ends at 9 am, and you may have your first meal or cup of coffee or tea with cream and sugar.

Either one of these intermittent fasting plans is perfect for beginners.

Intermittent fasting for women over 40

5:2 Whole-Day Intermittent Fasting

This is another popular method and is very different from those previously mentioned.  First, the number refers to days, not hours.

So, with the 5:2 method, you eat your allotted calories or points five days per week but only eat 500 calories for two days per week.  Men are allowed 600 calories.

Now, you don’t want to miss this point. On the fast days, you do not give up eating completely. Instead, you consume a limited amount of calories.

Additionally, the two low-calorie days should be spread out during the week rather than being back-to-back. For example, your low-calorie days can be Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday.

Getting Started with the 5:2 Intermittent Fasting Plan

Now, I believe you should proceed with caution with this plan. While it is a very difficult eating plan, many people swear by it.

In the beginning, it might be hard to avoid cravings.  Therefore, on the two low-calorie days, it is a good idea to eat two small meals.  The meals should consist of lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, and a teaspoon or two of healthy fats. Furthermore, since you eat only 500 calories, there is no room for added sugars or junk food.  You need to make every bite count.

Additionally, for successful weight loss, it’s essential to manage your cravings and nighttime snacking.  Unfortunately, many people overcompensate for the fasting days by overeating on the other days.  In order to lose weight, you will still need to stick to your allotted calories or points on your non-fast days.

Meal Ideas for the 5:2 Intermittent Fasting Plan

  • Broths
  • Soups
  • Protein shake
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Salads
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Greek yogurt
  • Fresh fruit
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Water

4:3 Whole-Day Intermittent Fasting Plan

The 4:3 intermittent fasting plan is very similar to the 5:2 plan. However, in this plan, you eat your allotted calories or points for four days and 500 calories during the three fasting days. 

This 4:3 plan is a little more challenging than the 5:2 plan since it requires three days of fasting.

Potential Benefits of the 4:3 Intermittent Fasting Plan

Again, this eating plan might be a little difficult for some people who cannot control their cravings. However, the 4:3 plan has several potential benefits, especially for women over 40.

  • Improves insulin resistance
  • Provides a slow, steady weight loss
  • Reduces body fat and minimizes muscle loss
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Reduces stress belly

Read more about stress belly.

Meal Ideas for the 5:2 Intermittent Fasting Plan

  • Broths
  • Soups
  • Protein shake
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Salads
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Greek yogurt
  • Fresh fruit
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Water

24-Hour Intermittent Fasting

This method involves choosing one or two days of the week to fast for 24 hours and eating the allotted calories or points during the other five or six days. Unlike the other intermittent fasting plans, no food is consumed on a fast day.

For example, the 24-hour fast can go from 6 pm on the first day and ends at 6 pm on the second day.  The fast is broken with one small meal such as a:

  • Broth
  • Bowl of soup
  • Protein shake
  • Greek yogurt
  • Small salad

The bottom line is that you don’t want to gorge yourself on a large meal after your fast.  Eat only a small meal for the rest of the evening, and then go to bed.  The next day, you will resume eating your normal number of allotted calories or points.

Alternate Day Intermittent Fasting

This method is very extreme and hard to sustain as part of a healthy lifestyle.  There are two common versions of this method.  The first method is similar to the 5/2 intermittent fasting method.  However, instead of consuming 500 calories on two days of the week, you would consume 500 calories per day every other day. 

The second method involves alternating consuming a healthy diet with the allotted number of calories with a complete day of fasting (no calories).  Research has shown that this may be a feasible way for normal-weight individuals to extend life expectancy, but it results in extreme hunger and is hard to sustain as part of a healthy lifestyle.

If you choose to do an alternate day intermittent fasting plan, then the fast days should be spread out during the week rather than being back-to-back. For example, fast on Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday.

intermittent fasting for women over 40

Possible Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 40

The main goal of intermittent fasting is to switch the body from burning glycogen to burning fat stored during the fasting period.  However, it takes a while for the body to adjust to intermittent fasting, and during this time, you may experience:

  • Hunger
  • Cravings
  • Low blood sugar
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Low energy levels
  • Weakness
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability

The good news is that these symptoms go away after a few days of getting into a routine.  Once you know what to expect, you can prepare for these short-term side effects.

intermittent fasting for women over 40

Guidelines on Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 40

Intermittent fasting is not a magic pill for losing weight.  As mentioned earlier, losing weight after 40 is not as easy as it was in your 20s.  In addition to hormonal changes, balancing a career and family responsibilities, finding time to engage in a regular, vigorous physical fitness program, and getting inadequate sleep make it difficult for women over 40 to lose weight and keep it off.

Talk with Your Health Care Provider

Before you begin an intermittent fasting plan, You need to determine if the plan is right for you. Furthermore, I recommend that you speak with a licensed healthcare provider to determine if it is right for you.  Intermittent fasting isn’t for everyone, especially for women over 40 who:

  • Experience low blood sugar or hypoglycemia regularly
  • Have diabetes
  • Are underweight or malnourished
  • Have an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia
  • Are trying to conceive or have fertility issues
  • Have an immunocompromised disease or condition

This is not an exhaustive list, and you may have a health condition not mentioned.  Again, talk to your licensed health care provider to see if this plan is healthy for you.

Start with a 12-16 Hour Intermittent Fasting Period 

Getting started with intermittent fasting can be a bit tough for some people.  I recommend starting with a 12/12 time period, which means that you would fast between 7 pm and 7 am.  I usually recommend that you stop eating at 7 pm.  This will reduce your risk for indigestion and going to bed on a full stomach.  However, not eating after 7 pm may not always be possible depending on your lifestyle.

After two weeks, work yourself up to a 16/8 time period.  Again, this may mean a fasting time between 7 pm and 11 am. 

After you’ve mastered the 16/8 period, you may want to explore one of the other methods.  Remember to choose a plan that works for you and your lifestyle.  If you have a hectic week ahead or are on vacation, switch to a plan that has a shorter fasting period.   

Decide on a Calorie Level and a Healthy Eating Plan

As mentioned previously, intermittent fasting does not tell you what to eat.  Therefore, you still have to decide to eat healthy foods during your non-fasting time. 

You also need to decide on a calorie level.  A registered dietitian nutritionist can help you decide on the number of calories you need to lose weight and still have a healthy diet.  In general, you should not go below 1200 calories a day.  Most women over 40 who are physically active can lose weight on a healthy eating plan with 1500-1600 calories per day. Intermittent fasting also works nicely with an eating plan that uses points rather than calories.

Regardless of the plan that you choose, focus on eliminating or significantly reducing processed foods and getting enough fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. The bottom line is to make every bite count.   

Focus on Serving Sizes and Portion Control

In general, most people underestimate how much they eat.  As mentioned in a previous post, there is a difference between a portion and a serving of food.  A “portion” is the amount that you choose to eat at any one time, which may be more or less than a recommended serving on the package.

Meal ideas for intermittent fasting for women over 40

Engage in Regular Physical Activity

As we age, we tend to lose muscle mass, have decreased flexibility, and lower basal metabolic rate.  Thus, it’s important that women over 40 engage in a regular fitness program that includes cardiovascular, strength training, muscle endurance, and flexibility activities.  Regular physical activity helps to maximize the results of intermittent fasting.

Eliminate Unhealthy Eating Habits

You need to eliminate unhealthy eating habits to maximize the benefits of intermittent fasting. As mentioned in a previous post, these 9 unhealthy eating habits may be preventing you from losing weight:

  • Eating too fast
  • Snacking or eating while watching TV or while on the computer
  • Eating from packages
  • Using large plates, cups, and bowls
  • Skipping meals
  • Eating too much on weekends
  • Snacking late at night
  • Drinking your calories
  • Not drinking enough water

Focus on Steady Weight Loss

Health professionals consider it safe to lose one to two pounds per week.  Losing one to two pounds per week requires burning about 500 calories per day through diet and exercise.  So, how did they come up with that number?  Well, one pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories, and burning 500 calories a day for seven days (one week) equals 3,500.  Remember, if you lose too much weight too fast, you are actually losing more water and muscle than fat, and that’s not good in the long run! 

intermittent fasting for women over 40

Now, It’s Your Turn

Well, I hope you feel more educated about intermittent fasting for women over 40.  Intermittent fasting has many benefits for women over 40. However, it is important to remember that intermittent fasting is not a magic pill. It’s an eating plan that involves regular periods of short-term fasts. And, as you choose the right plan for you, ignore the outlandish claims, deceptive advertising, and the paid endorsement of celebrities.  Instead, focus on what works for you in the long term.   You may enjoy the posts on 10 Sort Prayers for Weight Loss, How to Jump Start Your Weight Loss, and These 9 Unhealthy Eating Habits Are Keeping You Fat.

We look forward to hearing about your experience with intermittent fasting.  And you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Page.

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Keep It, Tight Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.