Journaling for Manifestation: A Beginner’s Guide

Journaling for manifestation with coffe and leather bound journal

Journaling for manifestation is the conscious practice of writing down your thoughts, dreams, goals, and intentions.  This process shifts your mind to be successful. This mind shift helps you gain self-awareness, clarity, and insights to take action to achieve your goals. As mentioned in previous posts, I kept a journal as a child.  However, I made journaling a daily routine my first year in college.

Why I Journal

I firmly believe that journaling should be one of the things at the top of your to-do list.  The five reasons that I journal consistently are to:

  1. Record important life events
  2. Chart my goals and progress
  3. Clear my mind and improve my focus
  4. Maintain my mental health
  5. Track my personal growth and development

I quickly discovered that when I did not journal consistently, I wasn’t very effective in many areas of my life.  Furthermore, these beautiful words of William Wordsworth haunted me when I slacked off, “Fill your paper with the breathing of your heart.”

“Fill your paper with the breathing of your heart.”

William Wordsworth

So, I journal.

What is Manifestation?

Before I talk about journaling for manifestation, it is important to understand a little about manifestation. Manifestation, or the laws of attraction, is based on the idea or philosophy that you get back what you put out into the world.  We know that our subconscious mind is affected by both negative and positive thoughts, beliefs, and mindsets.  Well, people who practice manifestation believe that positive thoughts, beliefs, and mindsets attract them to the things they want most.

Manifestation is not without its critics.  Many psychologists and neuroscientists flat out state that manifestation does not work.  One of the major criticisms is that it does not consider that many people suffer from mental health problems.  Notably, those suffering from anxiety, depression, phobias, and other mental health diagnoses inherently have negative thoughts and limiting beliefs.  Another criticism is that thinking positively or negatively does not change the physical reality or material circumstances.  Thus, someone with mental health issues might falsely believe that their negative thoughts attracted a cancer diagnosis. 

However, some psychologists clarify that there is a science behind manifestation.  For example, people who believe they can achieve something motivate themselves to work hard and succeed.  Similarly, if someone does not think they can achieve something, they might not even show up and try.

Tips for Journaling for Manifestation

Create a Vision Board

A vision board is a visual representation of your wishes, goals, and desires. It is a collage of images, affirmations, and inspirational words to motivate, remind, and inspire you to achieve your heart’s desire. While it is not necessary to create a vision board, it helps to have one.

Some people create vision boards using a whiteboard, a large piece of paper, or a collage album. However, I create my vision board from a blank Word document. I write affirmations and quotes and then cut and paste images to create the final product. I also have an app on my phone that syncs with my tablet. If you’re a techie, search your app store for vision board apps.

Vision boards need to be placed somewhere prominent. For example, I print a few copies of my computer file and tape them over my computer and bathroom mirror.

Use a Dedicated Journal for Manifestation

I confess that I have different types of journals, and I do different types of journal writing. For example, I have a few journals about the pandemic. Yeah.

I recommend a dedicated manifestation journal, and with a little effort, align it with a vision board.

Write SMART Goals

Setting goals is an important step in manifestation.  I recommend that you learn to set SMART goals.  Remember, a goal is different from a whim or a desire.  So, what exactly are SMART goals?  Well, the acronym SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based.  In previous posts, I outlined how to create SMART goals to manage stress eating, lose weight, and exercise more

What are some of the things you want to have or achieve at this point in your life?  Popular goals focus on:

  • Career
  • Finances
  • Relationships
  • Health (mental, physical, and emotional)
  • Mastering a skill
  • Adventure

Choose a Time to Journal

As with other journaling techniques, the best time to practice journaling for manifestation is early in the morning or just before bedtime. Mornings allow us to be fresh and focused for the day ahead. On the other hand, the evenings allow us to be reflective.

So, reserve 15-20 minutes for daily journaling and have a heart-to-heart conversation with yourself.  You don’t have to write anything lengthy. In most cases, a few bullet points work well. However, if your heart and pen fall in love, then keep writing and focusing on your dreams. 

Have an Action Plan

You must take tangible steps to achieve your goals. Writing in your manifestation journal and then going back to sleep does not work. While it’s OK to dream big, sometimes big goals can be intimidating. So, use smaller, simpler steps to achieve your goals. For example, if you want to change jobs:

  • Update your resume
  • Subscribe to job boards
  • Research different companies
  • Reach out to a mentor or someone in the field
  • Update your skills
  • Take a class

Luckily, SMART goals also have a built-in action plan.

Beautiful pink journal for manifestation

Aligning Journaling for Manifestation with Your Religious/Spiritual Beliefs

Journaling for manifestation aligns well with many religious and spiritual traditions.  One myth is that journaling for manifestation means that you don’t trust God or your Higher Power.  Another myth is that you’re trying to manipulate God and the universe using the laws of attraction.  Here’s a wake-up call.  God cannot be manipulated.  Furthermore, calling manifestation the “laws of attraction” does not make it less Christian.

For me, and other Christians, God created the universe.  Furthermore, we claim the promise, “The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.” Psalm 84:11 NLT.  Additionally, we understand God answers prayers with “yes,” “no,” or “wait.”   

Here are some Scriptures that align with my Christian beliefs:

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he . . .”

Proverbs 23:7 KJV

“Write the vision; make it plain, so he may run who reads it.  For still the vision awaits its appointed time. . .”

Habakkuk 2:2-3 ESV

“For this reason I tell you, whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Mark 11: 24, ESV

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33 ESV

“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20 ESV

This post focuses on the four journaling for manifestation methods that align well with most religious and spiritual traditions.

  • I AM method
  • Scripting method
  • Gratitude method
  • Stream of consciousness method
Journaling for manifestation notebook with woman writing

I AM Method for Journaling for Manifestation

“I AM” is one of the most powerful statements to make. It declares your place in the universe and opens you to all the possibilities.

As mentioned in a previous post, you are what you believe, think, and say about yourself.

Using I AM affirmations grounds you in the present.  Today is yours, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is not promised to you.

Now, you don’t want to miss this point. Repeating or writing I AM affirmations like a robot does not automatically change your life.  Indeed, you must show up and do the work.  In a previous post, I provide 11 daily I AM affirmations to crush your success goals.  Additionally, I AM statements can be stated based on your:


  • I AM at my ideal weight
  • I AM living in my dream home


  • I AM saving money to buy a home
  • I AM the manager at my new job


  • I AM at peace with my decision to move
  • I AM trusting the process


  • I AM thankful for a healthy body
  • I AM thankful for kind neighbors

Scripting Method for Journaling for Manifestation

Scripting is a journaling method where you write and visualize achieving your goals, living your dreams, and being who you want to be.  It is one of my favorite journaling methods because I love to write, tell, and listen to stories.  So, think of it as a “dear diary” technique.  Or, you can write it to yourself or your alter ego. Always write your script in the present tense.

Sample Scripting Prompts

  • How do I want to feel when I wake up every morning?
  • How do I want to feel when I go to bed and turn the lights out?
  • What type of intimate relationships do I want?
  • How do I want people to feel when I am around?
  • What do I want to accomplish at work?
  • What are my biggest heart desire?

Sample Script

Here is a sample script for manifesting a new home.

“Dear Diary.  I wake up with a smile on face.  Today is the big day. I choose my outfit carefully.  What outfit says, “you’re finally a homeowner today?” The realtor has been so helpful throughout the process. And, I can’t believe that my friends are excited to help me move.  My parents have already sent me flowers and are planning the menu for the housewarming party. Did I also mention that the kids are busy picking out a name for a dog that we don’t have as yet?”

Gratitude Method for Journaling for Manifestation

A gratitude journal is probably one of the most popular types of journal.  So, how does a gratitude journal fits with manifestation?  Well, as mentioned in a previous post, “gratitude acknowledges that life is good.” Furthermore, in order to achieve our goals and manifest our desires, we must pause and give thanks for the things that we already have.  Expressing gratitude means that we see the goodness around us and acknowledge the goodness in ourselves and others.  It also clears the way for more good things to come into our lives. More importantly, we do not have to feel grateful to express gratitude. 

Robert Emmons, PhD is a scientific expert on gratitude and positive psychology. His research shows that people who express gratitude are more likely to report having healthier bodies, minds, and relationships.

The recommendation is to write daily 5-10 things for which you are grateful.

Stream of Consciousness (Brain Dump) Method for Journaling for Manifestation

The stream of consciousness method, or brain dump method, helps to clear blocked thoughts and negative thinking.

It is a free-flowing process where you jot down anything and everything that flows through your mind.  Indeed, I use this method the most. After I dump everything on paper, I feel light, energized, and satisfied because I acknowledged my problems, thoughts, and feelings.  Now, my brain has time to do its most important work.

This method also works great when you feel fearful, anxious, or depressed.  Limit yourself to writing for 20 minutes.  If no words flow for a while, feel free to doodle.  I have doodles all over my journals. 

If you need a bit of structure, then:

  • Create a to-do list for today, tomorrow, or the week ahead
  • List the things for which you are grateful
  • Write a prayer for people who come through your mind

The stream of consciousness method works any time of the day.  Writing in the mornings allows you to be more productive.  On the other hand, writing in the evenings allows you to process your day, reflect on lessons learned, and release frustration for a good night’s sleep.

Woman with pen and paper for journaling for manifestation

Now, It’s Your Turn

This beginner’s guide to journaling for manifestation works with different religious and spiritual condition.  Use what works for you and shelve or toss what doesn’t appeal to you.

Don’t feel pressured to use a fancy journal.  Use a plain notebook or write on your computer, phone, or tablet.  The most important thing is to get started!

We look forward to hearing about your experience with journal writing.  And, you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Page. If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your social networks.  Your subscription to the blog is also appreciated!

We also have more than 70 self-care boards for you to follow on Pinterest.

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Keep It Tight Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.