40 Intermittent Fasting and Menopause Quotes to Make You Smile

Keep It Tight Sisters image of woman laughing at intermittent fasting and menopause joke

Intermittent fasting and menopause are a unique blend of dieting challenges, hormonal changes, and, yes, even comedy. Hot flashes that compete with the summer sun. Mood swings that give a pendulum a run for its money. And, yes, those mysterious late-night cravings that appear after our fasting window closed.

In this spirit, we collected a treasure trove of humor straight from the source – you, our readers. It’s a collection of quips, anecdotes, and outright hilarious observations about the rollercoaster ride of managing intermittent fasting and menopause.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the delightful world of menopause and intermittent fasting as seen through the eyes and experienced through the lives of our readers. Prepare for some giggles, a few nods of agreement, and maybe even the occasional burst of laughter.

Menopause Hot Flash Humor

Menopause brings its share of hot flashes, and our readers have found the perfect way to cool down—with a touch of humor. Here are some quotes that turn these spontaneous heat waves into moments of laughter:

  1. “If hot flashes are a symptom, my body’s clearly overachieving.” —Cheryl, age 53
  2. “I thought hot yoga was tough, then I had a hot flash. That’s the real inferno workout.” —Maria, age 52
  3. “My thermostat isn’t broken; it’s just sympathizing with my menopause.” —Yemeli, age 46
  4. “I’m not sweating, I’m power flashing.” —Tayo, age 53
  5. “Hot flashes: nature’s way of reminding you that you’re still on fire.” —Karen, age 48
  6. “I don’t need a sauna session; my hot flashes are eco-friendly and free.” —Erica, age 51

Intermittent Fasting Fasting Funnies

Intermittent fasting can have its comical moments, especially when combined with the rollercoaster of menopause. Our readers share their light-hearted take on fasting:

  1. “Intermittent fasting is great until you realize you’ve fasted from your coffee too.” —Sonya, age 51
  2. “My fasting app keeps asking me if I’m still fasting. It’s like my mother, but with fewer calories.” —Linda, age 45
  3. “Fasting: because sometimes I forget to eat between mood swings.” —Anna, age 47
  4. “I’m not hangry; it’s just my fasting window clashing with my menopause.” —Jessica, age 49
  5. “Who needs a diet plan when your hot flashes burn all the calories?” —Priya, age 50
  6. “During my fast, I stare at the fridge like it’s a forbidden romance novel.” —Lisa, age 49
  7. “Fasting: The art of eating without really eating, and then wondering why I’m thinking about food all day.” —Nena, age 46

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Intermittent Fasting and Menopause: Midnight Musings

Menopause can turn the night into a time of reflection, cravings, and, sometimes, unexpected humor. Here’s what our readers said about their midnight experiences:

  1. “Midnight snacks are trickier when you’re intermittent fasting. It’s like a fridge raid with a timer.” —Sophie, age 54
  2. “I used to count sheep; now I count the hours till my fasting window ends.” —Beverly, age 55
  3. “The only thing I’m counting at midnight are hot flashes, not sheep.” —Olivia, age 56
  4. “They say nothing good happens after midnight, but they’ve never had menopausal munchies.” —Nora, age 53
  5. “My late-night cravings have taught me the house layout in the dark better than any power outage ever could.” —Alice, age 53
  6. “There’s a party in my kitchen every night at 2 AM, but don’t tell my fasting app.” —Samantha, age 52
  7. “The fridge light is the new mood lighting for my menopausal midnight feasts.” —Gina, age 50

The Intermittent Fasting and Menopause Chronicles

Juggling intermittent fasting and menopause can lead to some hilarious episodes. Our readers have shared their funniest moments:

  1. “When my fasting app congratulates me for not eating, it’s the only adulting validation I need.” —Julie, age 47
  2. “Deciding between breaking my fast or breaking into tears. Menopause, you sly fox!” —Kim, age 49
  3. “My kitchen during fasting hours feels like a museum – look but don’t touch.” —Brenda, age 51
  4. “I’m not avoiding snacks; I’m giving them a ‘fasting break.'” —Gloria, age 50
  5. “Fasting during menopause: because who can eat when you’re sweating like this?” —Diana, age 48

Hormonal Hijinks

Experiencing the hormonal rollercoaster of menopause can be a laugh riot. Our readers find the lighter side of menopause with these witty observations:

  1. “Menopause mood swings: because variety is the spice of life, right?” —Carol, age 55
  2. “Who needs a sauna when you have menopausal hot flashes?” —Sheila, age 52
  3. “I keep losing things during menopause. Luckily, it’s never my sense of humor.” —Fiona, age 57
  4. “Menopause: when ‘chill out’ takes on a whole new meaning.” —Angela, age 53
  5. “Remember when ‘flashing’ meant something else? Ah, the good old days.” —Denise, age 56
  6. “Menopause is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” —Patricia, age 54
  7. “My hormones have more ups and downs than a soap opera.” —Evelyn, age 59
  8. “If mood swings burned calories, menopause would be my favorite workout.” —Irene, age 46
  9. “Menopause: where ‘hot’ has nothing to do with looks and everything to do with temperature.” —Grace, age 58
  10. “They say age is just a number. So is my thermostat now.” —Rita, age 60
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Men’s Humorous Take on Menopause

A few of our male readers offered their unique, often humorous, perspectives on the menopausal journey. Here are five light-hearted quotes from men sharing their amusing observations and experiences:

  1. “I thought I understood climate change, then I witnessed my wife’s hot flashes.” —Dave, age 48
  2. “Menopause in our house means two things: never touch the thermostat, and always agree with her.” —Michael, age 50
  3. “I’m not saying my wife’s mood swings are intense, but our dog now checks with me before approaching her.” —Richard, age 51
  4. “My wife’s menopause has taught me that ‘fine’ is the most dangerously deceptive word in the English language.” —Kevin, age 47
  5. “Her hot flashes are so frequent, I’m considering investing in a hand fan company.” —Steve, age 49

Intermittent Fasting and Menopause Articles

Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 40: A Beginners Guide

How to Harness ChatGPT for Effective Menopause Self-Care

Best Progesterone-Rich Foods to Manage PMS and Menopause

Magnesium for Menopause: Relief is on the Way

11 Essential Oils for Menopause (with Recipe Blends)

ChatGPT Notebook: 30-Day Menopause Reset Journal Prompts

Now, It’s Your Turn

Thanks to all our readers who contributed their witty and wise words to this article.

Now, et’s keep the conversation going. Drop your stories, quotes, or thoughts in the comments below. Let’s laugh, learn, and journey together.

Remember, whether it’s through shared laughter or collective wisdom, we’re stronger together. So, keep sharing, supporting, and laughing.

And you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Page.

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Keep It Tight, Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.

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