Soursop Drink: An Antioxidant Powerhouse

Soursop drink

Soursop drink is a delicious tropical beverage that is popular throughout the Caribbean and Latin America.  The drink comes from the soursop fruit. Botanically known as Annona muricata, soursop has many local names including guanabana, graviola, and sirsak. Soursop trees grow as high as 26 feet (8 meters). The fruit is one of the largest in the custard apple family, with some weighing as much as ten pounds.

Growing up in the Caribbean with soursop trees in the backyard meant having soursop in many forms such as:

  • Raw fruit
  • Drinks
  • Juices
  • Smoothies
  • Ice cream
  • Sorbets
  • Popsicles
  • Jams and jellies
  • Tea

Soursop Health Benefits

Most people fall in love with soursop drinks from the first sip.  In addition to its delicious, exotic taste, the soursop drink is a nutrition powerhouse drink. As mentioned in a previous post, a nutrition powerhouse or superfood is food that has high amounts of nutrients and disease-fighting or cell-protecting chemicals.  Soursop is low in calories and high in fiber and other nutrients.  It is best known for fighting free radicals and reducing inflammation.

Test tube and animal studies document numerous health benefits of soursop. However, most studies have not been replicated in humans.

Fights Free Radicals

Soursop is high in antioxidants, which protect the body against damage from free radicals. Free radicals are substances that occur naturally in our bodies.  However, they attack body cells.   Free radicals accelerate aging and may have a role in promoting diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.  

Reduces Inflammation

Soursop has many anti-inflammatory compounds. Occasional bouts of inflammation challenge our immune system and protect our health.  However, persistent, chronic inflammation often occurs with illnesses such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, depression, and Alzheimer’s.

Aids Digestive Health

Due to its high fiber content, soursop pulp promotes a healthy gut and aids with proper digestion. The fiber also provides a sense of fullness. Unfortunately, soursop drink has a low fiber content because the pulp is removed.

Promotes Oral Health

Test tube studies report that soursop extract promotes oral health by killing certain strains of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gingivitis. Of course, using soursop does not replace proper oral health, such as daily brushing and flossing.

Sourpsop drink

Soursop Nutrition Facts

Soursop is rich an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium.  Are you feeling tired?  then, grab a piece of soursop. It is high in carbohydrates and several B vitamins, natural energy boosters.  Specifically, it is a good source of the B vitamin, thiamine. It also contains a small amount of the B vitamins riboflavin, niacin, and folate.  Notably, soursop is an excellent source of fiber.    

One cup of fresh soursop pulp contains:

  • Calories: 150
  • Fiber: 7.4 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 37.8 grams
  • Protein: 2.3 grams
  • Fat: 0.7 grams
  • Vitamin C: 46.4 milligrams
  • Potassium: 626 milligrams
  • Sodium 31.5 milligram

Soursop Juice vs. Soursop Drink

So, what is the difference between soursop juice and soursop drink? Although some people use the words interchangeably, there is a big difference.

So, what is the difference between soursop juice and soursop drink?  Although some people use the words interchangeably, there is a big difference.

Basically, the difference is that soursop juice contains milk and spices.  Some people use evaporated milk and sweeten the juice with table sugar, brown sugar, or honey.  On the other hand, some use condensed milk and use little or no extra sugar.  Both versions add freshly grated nutmeg and a drop of vanilla.

Soursop drink is a lighter, dairy-free version.  Instead of grated nutmeg, add a splash of lime and a few drops of vanilla. The good news is that soursop drink is perfect for vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance and milk allergies. 

Ripe soursops to make soursop drink
Fresh soursops

How to Choose the Best Soursop for Soursop Drink

The soursop tree is evergreen and produces fruits all year round in tropical climates.  Due to its popularity, soursop is imported and available in many regions of the world. 

The best soursop for juicing is a ripe one.  However, most people choose one that is almost ripe (or ‘full’). Store it in a brown paper bag or wrap it in a dishtowel to ripen. Check it daily. When the soursop is ripe, the skin changes from a bright green to a dull green or greenish-brown color. It also feels soft.

If you’re not ready to start juicing, store the ripened fruit for a day or two in the refrigerator.

Tips for Choosing the Best Soursop for Soursop Drink

  • Examine the skin of the soursop closely.  Is it hard, green, and shiny?  If so, it was picked too early and will not ripe fully.  Instead, choose one that is firm with a dull green color.  It will ripen in a day or two. 
  • Choose one without bruises, holes, soft spots, or tears.  Soursops with damaged skin spoil quickly. 
  • Run your hands over the spikes.  Spikes that are hard, long, bright green, and tightly spaced mean the fruit is unripe or picked too ‘young.’  Instead, choose one with dark spikes that are tender to the touch. 
  • Smell the soursop. If it has a sharp, sour smell, it is too ripe and shows early signs of rotting.  Do not buy.
Soursop pulp

How to Prepare Fresh Soursop for Drinks, Juices, and Smoothies

Preparing soursop is a bit messy. 

  • Wash hands.
  • Fill a large pot or bowl with water.  Add a drop of dishwashing liquid and a little baking soda.
  • Rinse the soursop in the water to remove traces of dirt or pesticides. 
  • Remove from bowl and rinse under running water.
  • Pat dry and place on a large cutting board or in a large bowl.
  • Cut in half with a clean knife and remove the stalk or core.
  • Peel the skin with your fingers or a small paring knife.
  • Remove all the seeds.
  • Put the pulps in a large clean bowl.

Storing The Fresh Pulp

Store the fresh pulp in a large plastic zipper bag in the refrigerator if you’re not ready to make the juice. Or, keep the fresh pulp in the plastic zipper bag in the freezer for a few months. Be sure to put the date on the bag.

Soursop drink and fruit

How to Make Soursop Juice and Soursop Drink

Once the seeds are removed, and the pulp is ready, it’s time to juice!

There are two ways to process the pulp: a juicer or a blender.  A juicer is more efficient at removing all the juicy goodness from the pulp.  However, most people have a regular blender rather than a juicer at home.  Using a large strainer or sieve to extract the juice and break down the extra pulp is an extra step when using a blender.

Another option is to use a high-speed and powerful Vitamix blender. The Vitamix will liquefy the pulp into a thick, creamy mixture. Thus, there is no need to strain any remaining pulp.

Storing the Liquid Pulp

If you’re not ready to make the juice, store the liquified pulp in a large plastic zipper bag in the refrigerator. Or, keep it in the plastic zipper bag in the freezer for a few months. Be sure to put the date on the bag.

Refreshing Caribbean Soursop Drink Recipe

This dairy-free refreshing tropical drink is easy to make.  It is a standard tropical drink on the menu of most local Caribbean restaurants.


  • Pulp of 1 large ripe soursop (with seeds removed)
  • 6-8 cups of water
  • Juice of 2 large limes or ¼ cup of lime juice (or lemon juice)
  • Sweetener of choice (white sugar, light brown sugar, or honey)

Blender Instructions

  • Add half of the soursop pulp to the blender.
  • Pour half of the water into the blender.
  • Blend on high.
  • Add a little more water if the blender sounds sluggish.
  • Resume blending.
  • Pour through a large strainer or sieve into a pitcher.
  • Use a large wooden spoon to get as much of the juicy pulp out.
  • Repeat with the other half of the pulp and water.
  • Add vanilla extract and lime juice.
  • Sweeten to taste with white sugar, light brown sugar, or honey.
  • Cover the pitcher.
  • Chill for several hours before serving.
  • Pour over ice when ready to serve.
  • Enjoy.
  • Use within three days.

Vitamix or Juicer Instructions

  • Blend the liquefied pulp with water on high.
  • Pour into a large pitcher.
  • Add vanilla extract and lime juice.
  • Sweeten to taste with white sugar, light brown sugar, or honey.
  • Follow the instructions above in the blender method.

Creamy Caribbean Soursop Juice Recipe

This creamy, milk-based soursop juice is the most popular soursop beverage in the Caribbean.  The finished version is often frozen into popsicles, sorbets, and other icy treats.


  • Pulp of 1 large ripe soursop (with seeds removed)
  • 6-8 cups of water
  • 1 large can of evaporated milk (12 ounces) or ½ large can of condensed milk (6 ounces)
  • 1 tsp grated nutmeg
  • 3 tsp vanilla extract
  • Sweeten of choice (white sugar, light brown sugar, or honey)


  • Follow the instructions for making soursop drinks.
  • Eliminate lime juice.
  • Add milk, nutmeg, vanilla
  • Sweeten to taste with white sugar, light brown sugar, or honey.
  • Cover the pitcher.
  • Chill for several hours before serving.
  • Use within three days.

Soursop Drink and Soursop Juice Recipe Variations

Soursop drinks are versatile and blend well with other tropical fruits. Consider adjusting the amount of sugar depending on the different fruits used.

  • Banana (1/2)
  • Dragon fruit (1/4 cup)
  • Lychee (1/4 cup)
  • Passion fruit (1/4 juice)
  • Mamey sapote (2 or 3 large pieces)
  • Mango (2 or 3 large pieces)
  • Papaya (2 or 3 large pieces)

How to Make Frozen Soursop Juice Treats

  • Pour soursop drink or soursop juice into ice cube trays, popsicle trays, or small plastic cups.
  • Put in the freezer until frozen solid.
  • Enjoy.

Now, It’s Your Turn

Well, I hope you’ve learned more about the health benefits of soursop. Soursop drink is a special occasion beverage in most Caribbean households. It is also available on most local Caribbean and Latin restaurant menus. it is perfect for vegetarians and those with lactose intolerance or milk allergies. If the restaurants offer soursop juices and smoothies, order immediately before they run out. However, the good news is that these recipes can be whipped up in a few minutes.

When soursops are in season, buy a few and do not hesitate to freeze the pulp for later use. Some international or Caribbean supermarkets also carry frozen soursop pulps in the frozen fruit freezer. The frozen pulp makes great smoothies and saves time and kitchen mess.

Do you have a favorite soursop recipe?

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