Vaginal Dryness: Natural Home Remedies That Work

Beautiful woman smiling and looking over sunglasses

Vaginal dryness is very common and can occur at any time in a woman’s life.  However, it occurs most often in menopausal and post-menopausal women.   

So, if it’s that common, why don’t we talk more about it?  And, why do we secretly go online and search for it instead of talking to other women about it and asking for remedies?  Furthermore, why don’t we know how to treat vaginal dryness naturally? 

Well, I’m glad you asked because I will be addressing these topics.

Wear cotton panties to absorb moisture and allow air flow

How the Vagina Produces Natural Lubricant

The vagina naturally produces its own lubricant.  The cervix (neck of the womb) produces natural lubrication, which keeps the vagina moist and supple.  And, the amazing thing is that this happens regularly.  Now, you don’t want to miss this part.  This lubricant moves slowly down the vagina to remove dead cells and keep it clean.  Isn’t that cool?  That’s is the ultimate definition of self-care.

This natural lubricant is slightly acidic, which helps to prevent yeast infections and other infections.  So, if you see a slight white discharge in your vagina or on your underwear, it is a sign that your lady parts are working great. 

And, hears another great tip.  Wear cotton panties as much as possible.  Why?  Well, cotton absorbs excess moisture and removes build up heat from the area. Furthermore, it is important to wear cotton panties when it’s hot or humid.  This will help to prevent itching and odor.  And, you don’t want to miss this part.  Avoid sleeping in panties or pajama bottoms to let air circulate freely.  Hey, who wants to be held hostage all day?

Group of 5 young women smiling
Young women often experience vaginal dryness during sex

Young Women and Vaginal Dryness

Many young women experience vaginal dryness during sex.  Why?  Well, this occurs because they are not fully aroused.  And, sexual arousal is needed for the cervix to produce natural lubricant.   So, this means that many young women have painful, unenjoyable sex because they are inexperienced or embarrassed to tell their partners they need more foreplay or a different technique. (To the left. No, my left).

And, it’s not just young women who experience painful sex.  About 25% of women 50-59 experience vaginal dryness during sex and 16% experience pain. So, what is the bottom line?  The vagina will produce enough lubricant when you have enough foreplay and are fully aroused, chilled, and relaxed.

Beautiful older women with gray hair
Older women experience vaginal dryness because of hormone changes

Older Women and Vaginal Dryness

Menopause is the main cause of vaginal dryness in older women.  So, the average woman enters menopause around 50.  As a result of menopause, the body produces less of the female hormone, estrogen. 

Furthermore, this decrease in estrogen means a reduction in the natural process of vaginal lubrication.  Hence, there is vaginal dryness and less lubrication during sex.  And, that’s not all.  Without estrogen, the skin and support tissues of the labia (vaginal lips) and vagina become dry, thinner, and less elastic.

Smiling Black female doctor
Talk to your doctor about vaginal dryness and related symptoms

Vaginal Atrophy and Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) is one of the main causes of vaginal dryness.  So, why does this happen?  Well, the vaginal walls become thin and inflamed due to low estrogen levels.  And you guessed it, this happens most often after menopause.

Here’s why this is important.  Vaginal atrophy not only makes intercourse painful, but it also leads to painful, and severe urinary symptoms like urinary tract infections.  In fact, doctors call this genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) because the condition causes both vaginal and urinary symptoms.  Have you ever heard of GSM?  Probably not.  And, why is this a big deal?  Well, about 50% of postmenopausal women experience it, but few women are treated for it.  In fact, if your gynecologist doesn’t ask you about it, you probably will not mention it.  Long sigh.

According to the Mayo Clinic, signs and symptoms of  GSM include:

  • Vaginal dryness, tightness, and burning
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Genital itching
  • Burning with peeing
  • Urgency with peeing
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Frequent peeing
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Decreased vaginal lubrication during sex
  • Painful sex
  • Light bleeding after sex

The good news is that GSM is easy to treat.  So, say goodbye to painful sex and go get your groove on!

Funny woman smiling
Lack of sexual activity increases vaginal dryness

Lack of Sexual Activity and Vaginal Dryness

Yes, I am getting up in your business. Lack of sexual activity is a common cause of vaginal dryness.   Are you familiar with the saying, “If you don’t use it you lose it?” Well, that also goes for a moist vagina.

And, here’s the interesting part.  Sex, with or without a partner, increases blood flow to the vagina, produces natural lubrication, and makes your vaginal tissues more elastic.  So, here’s the bottom line.  Learn to pleasure yourself whether or not you have a partner.   And, this goes for women of all ages.

Pretty black panties with pink polka dots and bow
Several factors cause vaginal dryness

Other Causes of Vaginal Dryness

Your personal hygiene and skincare routine can also cause vaginal dryness.  For example, douching and using harsh soaps and feminine sprays can cause vaginal dryness.  There is no need for these since a healthy vagina keeps herself clean.  In fact, soaps should not be used inside the vagina lips (labia).  So, just use plain water and rinse well.

Also, be aware that chemicals from swimming pools and hot tubs may irritate the vagina.

The side effects of some medications may cause vaginal dryness.  Specifically, medications for allergies, cold, and depression dry out mucous membranes, including vaginal tissues.

Women who have their ovaries removed with a hysterectomy experience menopausal symptoms, including vaginal dryness.  Indeed, the removal of the ovaries, which makes estrogen, means no estrogen is produced.  Now, remember a medical condition like ovarian cancer may require a hysterectomy, regardless of the woman’s age. 

Vaginal dryness is also one of many side effects of chemotherapy.  Chemotherapy (for different types of cancer) can damage the ovaries and, hence, estrogen production. So, cancer survivors often have thinner, less elastic, and more fragile vaginal lining.

Some breastfeeding women also experience vaginal dryness because of changing estrogen levels.  Likewise, some women on oral contraceptives (the pill) experience vaginal dryness because of hormonal changes.   

Black couple hugging and smiling
Vaginal lubricants relieve vaginal dryness and enhance sexual pleasure

Vaginal Lubricants

Now, for the good news! Artificial lubricants enhance sexual arousal, keep vaginal tissues soft, and boost sexual pleasure.  And, hallelujah, they reduce friction during penetration—whether with a partner or a sex toy.  Pick these up at the store or pharmacy or order online.  Apply lubricants around the lips of the vagina (labia) and in the vagina just before sex. Follow the instructions on the package.

Water-based Lubricants

These are the most common lubricants and come with or without glycerin.  These are popular because they are cheap, easy to find, and safe to use with condoms.  Additionally, they do not stain the sheets.  However, they dry out quickly and leave a stick feeling.

Flavored or warming lubricants contain glycerin and sugar (or artificial sweeteners).  So, this is an issue because sugar contributes to yeast infections.  However, lubricants without glycerin often taste bitter.  So, this may not be the best option if you and your partner switch between oral sex and regular intercourse.  

Silicone-based Lubricants

These have no taste or odor.  Some women like them because they are hypoallergenic, slippery, and smooth.  Additionally, they last long and are safe to use with condoms.  However, because they last a long time, they are harder to wash off.   Furthermore, they are not recommended for use with sex toys since they make they gummy and yucky.

Jar of coconut oils and coconut pieces
Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that relieves vaginal dryness

Natural, Home Remedies for Vaginal Dryness

“So, do you moisturize your vagina often?” My new gynecologist asked me this at my first visit and before my annual exam.  My response was a blank stare.  “What do you mean?” I asked.  She then proceeded to tell me about the need to regularly moisture my lady parts as a part of self-care.

Alrighty then.  

Please note that hormone-based therapy, which requires a prescription, will not be discussed here.

Well, hormone-free treatment for vaginal dryness and regular maintenance is right in your kitchen.  So, if you don’t have these products, then go stock up. In addition to being great vaginal moisturizers, they are also great for other areas of your skin!

Like lubricants, vaginal moisturizers reduce the painful friction of sex due to vaginal dryness.  However, unlike lubricants, moisturizers are absorbed into the skin and cling to the vaginal walls.  Thus, moisturizers act similar to your natural secretions.  

Another difference is that moisturizers are applied regularly, not just for sex.  So, older women and elderly women who are menopausal or post-menopausal benefit from regularly applying moisturizer to their vagina to prevent dryness, irritation, and burning. 

Still, some women who regularly use a moisturizer also use a lubricant for comfort and enjoyment during sex. 

Apply vaginal moisturizers two or three days a week, or more often if needed.  Fortunately, they are safe to use every day. 

Dip a finger in the moisturizer and insert into the vagina.  Then, apply some around the lips of the vagina (labia).  OK, let’s get radical and apply some around the clitoris (no one left behind).    

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is a natural lubricant and moisturizer.  Buy 100% aloe gel or one that has some water added.  I have purchased aloe vera gel mist in spray bottles, which allows for quick application.   

Coconut Oil

My gynecologist recommends coconut oil as a good vaginal moisturizer.  Additionally, it soothes and heals the skin and is a great overall beauty treatment.  Coconut oil is also great for cooking.  So, buy a large container of coconut oil and scoop some in a small container with a lid.  Keep the small container in the bathroom and use it as your nightly vaginal moisturizer.

Olive Oil

Yes, olive oil is a great vaginal moisturizer.  You probably have a bottle in your kitchen.  So, pour some in a small container with a lid.  Keep the small container in the bathroom and use it as your nightly vaginal moisturizer.

Vitamin E Oil or Suppositories

Vitamin E oil or suppositories can be used to relieve vaginal dryness.  The oil and suppositories are available at drugstores or online.  Vaginal suppositories that contain vitamin E can be used as an effective home remedy for menopause dryness.

One research study found that women experienced decreased vaginal dryness and itching after four weeks of using 500 IU Vitamin E vaginal suppositories.  They also had reduced hot flashes.

Apply vitamin E oil the same way for coconut oil and olive oil.

Smiling Black professional Woman
Be willing to tell other women about natural remedies for vaginal dryness

Now, It’s Your Turn

Well, I hope you feel more educated about vaginal dryness and ways to prevent and relieve it.  And, I think you will also enjoy the blog posts on listening to your naked body and three important questions to always ask your doctor.

  1. Have you experienced any of the signs or symptoms of vaginal dryness or vaginal atrophy?  If so, plan to discuss these with your gynecologist.
  2. Which of the natural remedies will be easy and convenient for you?
  3. On a scale of 1-5, how comfortable do you feel sharing this information with a female friend or relative?

Well, we look forward to hearing about your experience in the comment section of this blog.  And, you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Page.

We also have more than 70 self-care boards for you to follow on Pinterest.

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Keep It Tight and Moisturized Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.