Maybe It’s Your Time To Just Be . . .

Woman looking out of window

This morning in my devotion/meditation time, I reflected on conversations that I’ve been having with myself and with some of my warrior women friends over the past few weeks.  Our tribe has struggled with:

  • A mother who died, and left petals that line a path for us to follow
  • Friends and sisters ravaged by cancer who make us question our own humanity, and scared to touch our breasts for what we might find
  • Spouses, lovers, and soul mates who died physically and emotionally
  • Financial hardship that has cut all the meat off the bones
  • Careers that no longer satisfy, but with no clear path to change course

 If you can identify with any of these, then welcome to the promises of maybe.

Maybe . . .

Maybe its not the right time to move

Maybe you have more to learn where you are

Maybe there is more to be done where you are

Maybe . . .

Maybe it’s time to make yourself a priority

Maybe it’s time to work on your health, visit the doctor, lose those extra pounds, exercise more, and get more sleep

Maybe it’s time to stop making excuses and just do it

Maybe . . .

Maybe it’s time to honor the loss of your loved ones by being your best self

Maybe it’s time to soak up the wisdom of a female elder before the doors to her library close

Maybe it’s time to mentor a young warrior and pour into her your knowledge and wisdom, while being open to learning from her world

Maybe . . .

Maybe it’s time to learn a new song

Maybe it’s time to learn a new dance

Maybe it’s time to write that new chapter of your life in ink

Maybe . . .

Maybe you need this time to breathe in fresh air

Maybe you need this time to exhale

Maybe you need this time to just be . . .


We look forward to hearing about your experience in the comment section of this blog. Or you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Group.

Keep It Tight Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.