Word of the Month and Word of the Year Ideas

Word tiles to create word of the month and word of the year

Many people choose a “word of the month” or a “word of the year” instead of making a New Year’s resolution.  It is estimated that 25% of people make resolutions.  As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I can confidently say that losing weight, eating healthier, and exercising more are among the top ten resolutions. However, while New Year’s resolutions give opportunities for a fresh start, they can be daunting.

According to one poll, 35% of people keep all their resolutions and 50% keep some of them. One author noted that resolutions often fail because:

  • The focus was on changing a behavior rather than on changing a mindset
  • There was no accountability structure
  • There was a deep-seated fear of achieving those goals

Why Choose a Word of the Year Instead of a New Year’s Resolution?

Many people opt for a word of the year instead of a resolution.  A few years ago, I opted for this approach for a much-needed mind shift.  With this approach, you select one word on which to focus for the year. This word is then used to create your vision board, set your goals and intentions, and empower you.

For example, if your word is “fearless,” you might create goals and sub-goals for:

  • Starting a new job or business
  • Pursuing a new relationship or end an existing one
  • Saying “yes” to things that scare you
  • Saying “no” to people and things that drain you

For example, if your word is “discipline,” you might create goals and sub-goals for:

  • Saving money from every paycheck
  • Contributing monthly to your retirement account  
  • Going to the gym 3 days a week
  • Going to bed at a consistent time
  • Not eating after 7 pm
  • Limiting use of social media

For example, if your word is “grow,” you might create goals and sub-goals for:

  • Reading more books
  • Taking a course
  • Starting a hobby
  • Getting out of your comfort zone

Why Choose a Word of the Month Instead of a Word of the Year?

This year I chose to focus on a word of the month instead of a word of the year.  Last year, my word of the year was “big.”  I really got into the word “big” for the first two months, then several things happened:

  • COVID pandemic
  • Isolating at home
  • Not traveling
  • Zoom overload
  • Death of my father

I journaled throughout the pandemic.  However, I quickly realized that the thing that really got “big” was my fear.  Focusing on that one word was overwhelming.  I finally acknowledged that:

  • Each month was different and came with new opportunities and perspectives
  • The different seasons of the year sometimes require a shift
  • I was more deliberate and reflective during my birth month
  • Emotions and feelings are powerful drivers
  • Life events often require major shifts
  • Flexibility is a gift that needs to be mastered

Tips for Using Your Word

Instead of choosing one word for the year, you get to choose 12 powerful ones to focus on during the year.  Here are a few tips for using them for a successful year:

  • Don’t choose all 12 words at once
  • Choose a new one before the new month starts
  • If one really resonates with you, use it for a few months
  • Learn the meaning of the word and its alternatives
  • Choose a mixture of adjectives, nouns, and action verbs
  • Focus on ones that nourish your soul, refocus your mind, and recharge your body
  • Incorporate the word into your vocabulary
  • Write it in your journal each day
  • Print out the word and place it over your desk or bathroom mirror
  • Make it the screen saver on your phone, tablet, or computer
  • Write a few I AM affirmations using your word
  • Find inspirational quotes or Scriptures that use that word
  • Create a vision board for the word of the month

50+ Words to Consider

  1. Abundance
  2. Adventure
  3. Align
  4. Balance
  5. Begin
  6. Big
  7. Bold
  8. Breathe
  9. Challenge
  10. Create, Creativity
  11. Collaborate, collaboration
  12. Commit, commitment
  13. Confident, confidence
  14. Dare, daring
  15. Discipline
  16. Embrace
  17. Empower
  18. Enjoy
  19. Faith, faithful, faithfulness
  20. Family
  21. Fearless
  22. Flexible, flexibility
  23. Forgive, forgiveness
  24. Freedom
  25. Friendship
  26. Gratitude, grateful
  27. Grow, growth
  28. Give
  29. Harmony
  30. Health, healthy
  31. Help
  32. Honesty
  33. Hope
  34. Humility, humbleness  
  35. Joy
  36. Kindness
  37. No
  38. Peace
  39. Persist, persistence
  40. Play, playfulness
  41. Refocus
  42. Relationship
  43. Rest
  44. Risk
  45. Serve, service
  46. Simple, simplicity
  47. Sparkle
  48. Strong
  49. Survive, survival
  50. Teach
  51. Thrive
  52. Touch
  53. Whole, wholeness
  54. Yes
  55. Zeal
  56. Zest
Woman with journal to write word of the month and word of the year

Now, It’s Your Turn

A new year brings hope, excitement, and opportunities. I hope that you will take the approach of focusing on a word of the month to achieve your goals for this year. Don’t feel guilty if you have to change your word or go in a new direction. Remember, things happen in life and we need to shift and grow. I think you will also enjoy the blog posts on SMART goals to manage stress eating, 9 Sunday habits for a more productive week, fierce quotes on being successful, and 3 top priorities for work-life balance.

What are some of your focus words?

We look forward to hearing about your experience with intermittent fasting.  And, you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Page.

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Keep It Tight Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.