Maybe It’s Your Time To Just Be . . .

This morning in my devotion/meditation time, I reflected on conversations that I’ve been having with myself and with some of my warrior women friends over the past few weeks.  Our tribe has struggled with: A mother who died, and left petals that line a path for us to follow Friends and sisters ravaged by cancer … read more

Yes, Gratitude Matters

“Acknowledging the good you already have in your life is the foundation of all abundance.” Eckhart Tolle Gratitude is a thoughtful, meaningful expression of thanks.  While most people tend to pause and reflect on who and what they are grateful for during the holiday season, gratitude matters every day.  Why Gratitude Matters So, why does … read more

A Grateful Pause

It’s 4:00 am, and I sit in the dark with a cup of tea listening to the rain. Wondering. Yearning. I am surrounded by everything that I need, want, and desire. Yet, I feel both empty and full. The emptiness signals that I need more. But, more of what? Certainly, not more stuff. Obviously, not … read more