10 Surprising Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

A confident, smiling woman with curly hair wearing a red blouse standing in a well-lit office setting, conveying professionalism and approachability.

Preparing for a job interview can be daunting, especially when encountering surprising interview questions. These questions test your ability to think on your feet and handle unexpected challenges. Knowing how to respond effectively can make the difference between landing the job or not. This guide will help you navigate these tricky questions with confidence.

The Importance of Being Prepared for Surprising Interview Questions

Interviewers often ask surprising interview questions to see how you handle pressure. They want to gauge your problem-solving skills, creativity, and adaptability. Being prepared helps you stay calm and articulate, even when faced with the unexpected. It also shows your ability to think critically and respond thoughtfully. Interviewers also use them to see beyond rehearsed answers and understand your real potential. Knowing this lets you tailor your responses to show your strengths and align with the job’s requirements.

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Top 10 Surprising Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

1. Describe a time when you had to make an important decision without all the information you needed.

Purpose: Evaluates decision-making skills under uncertainty.
Tips: Use the STAR method to structure your answer: Situation, Task, Action, Result. Highlight your ability to gather available information, make informed assumptions, and take decisive action. Show that you can handle ambiguity and still make effective decisions.
Sample Answer:
“In my previous role as a project manager, we faced a critical deadline for a client’s project, but some key data was missing. I assessed the available information, consulted with team members to gather insights, and made an informed decision to proceed with the most likely scenario. We delivered the project on time, and the client was satisfied with the results. This experience taught me the importance of decisive action in uncertain situations.”

2. How do you prioritize your work when everything is a priority?

Purpose: Assesses prioritization and time management skills.
Tips: Explain your process for assessing urgency and importance. Describe how you communicate with stakeholders to manage expectations. Use specific techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix or time-blocking to illustrate your approach.
Sample Answer:
“When everything seems like a priority, I assess each task’s urgency and impact. I use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks into urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither. I communicate with my manager to confirm priorities and allocate my time accordingly. This approach helps me focus on high-impact tasks and manage my workload effectively.”

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A confident smiling women with curly hair wearing a red blouse sits in a well-lit office setting answering surprising interview questions

3. If you had to implement a change in this organization, what would it be and why?

Purpose: Tests strategic thinking and understanding of the organization.
Tips: Research the company beforehand. Propose a thoughtful change that aligns with the company’s goals and values. Offer a detailed suggestion and explain its potential benefits and implementation strategy.
Sample Answer:
“I noticed that the organization could benefit from enhanced internal communication. A company-wide intranet platform could streamline information sharing, increase transparency, and foster collaboration across departments. This change would help reduce misunderstandings and improve overall efficiency, aligning with the company’s commitment to innovation and teamwork.”

4. Tell us about a time when you had to manage a conflict between yourself and a team member.

Purpose: Evaluates conflict resolution and interpersonal skills.
Tips: Describe the conflict, your approach to resolving it, and the outcome. Emphasize communication and collaboration. Highlight your ability to listen, empathize, and find mutually beneficial solutions.
Sample Answer:
“During a project, a team member and I had different views on the project timeline. I scheduled a meeting to discuss our perspectives openly. By actively listening and understanding his concerns, we found a middle ground that accommodated our views. This resolution improved our collaboration, and the project was completed successfully.”

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5. Describe a time when you had to manage a project or task remotely. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

Purpose: Assesses remote work capabilities and problem-solving skills.
Tips: Use the STAR method. Focus on communication, time management, and overcoming specific remote work challenges. Detail the project, your challenges, your solutions, and the successful outcome.
Sample Answer:
“I managed a remote team for a product launch. The main challenge was coordinating across different time zones. I implemented flexible meeting schedules, used project management tools like Trello for task tracking, and maintained regular check-ins to ensure alignment. These strategies helped us launch the product on time despite the challenges of remote coordination.”

6. How do you handle tight deadlines and pressure?

Purpose: Tests stress management and productivity.
Tips: Share specific strategies like breaking tasks into smaller steps, staying organized, and maintaining focus. Provide an example of how you successfully met a tight deadline through effective planning and execution.
Sample Answer:
“When facing tight deadlines, I prioritize tasks, break them into manageable steps, and create a timeline. I used this approach during a major campaign to ensure all deliverables were completed on time. I also communicated regularly with my team to keep everyone aligned and motivated. We met the deadline successfully, and the campaign was a success.”

7. What is the most challenging aspect of your profession, and how do you manage it?

Purpose: Reveals self-awareness and problem-solving in professional challenges.
Tips: Be honest about the challenges and discuss proactive strategies you use to manage them. Explain a particular challenge and the steps you take to mitigate its impact on your work.
Sample Answer:
“One of the most challenging aspects of my profession is staying updated with rapidly changing industry trends. To manage this, I dedicate weekly time to read industry reports, attend webinars, and participate in professional networks. This continuous learning approach helps me stay informed and adapt to changes effectively.”

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8. How do you ensure effective communication and collaboration with a remote team?

Purpose: Evaluates communication skills in a remote setting.
Tips: Discuss tools and methods for maintaining clear and consistent communication and fostering team collaboration. Highlight specific tools (e.g., Slack, Zoom) and practices (e.g., regular check-ins, clear agendas).
Sample Answer:
“I ensure effective communication by using tools like Slack for instant messaging and Zoom for regular video meetings. I set clear meeting agendas, encourage open communication, and establish regular check-ins. These practices help maintain transparency and foster a collaborative remote work environment.”

9. Can you describe a time when you were not performing at your best? How did you handle it?

Purpose: Tests resilience and self-improvement capabilities.
Tips: Be honest about the situation and focus on your steps to improve your performance. Detail the situation, your recognition of the issue, actions to address it, and the positive outcome.
Sample Answer:
“During a particularly busy quarter, I noticed a decline in my performance due to burnout. I acknowledged the issue, spoke with my manager about redistributing some tasks, and focused on improving my work-life balance. My performance improved significantly with better time management and regular breaks, and I felt more productive and engaged.”

10. How do you maintain productivity and motivation during challenging or low-energy periods?

Purpose: Assesses motivation and productivity strategies.
Tips: Share specific techniques such as setting small goals, taking breaks, and seeking support from colleagues and mentors. Provide examples of methods you use to stay focused and energized, even during tough times.
Sample Answer:
“During challenging periods, I set small, achievable goals to maintain momentum. I also take short breaks to recharge and prioritize self-care practices, such as mindfulness or a quick walk, to refresh my mind. I seek support from colleagues inside and outside the organization and do quarterly check-ins with my mentor. Early in graduate school, I learned to break tasks into manageable steps, which helped me stay productive. Celebrating small wins keeps me motivated, even during low-energy periods.”

Read: SHE Leads: Mastering Time and Maximizing Productivity for Female Entrepreneurs

A confident, smiling woman with curly hair wearing a red blouse sits in a well-lit office setting, conveying professionalism and approachability.

General Tips for Answering Surprising Questions

Stay calm and take your time to think. Be honest and authentic. Relate answers back to the job and company. Practice common surprising questions with a friend or mentor. Preparation and confidence will help you shine.

Now, It’s Your Turn

Surprising interview questions can be challenging, but you can handle them effectively with the right preparation. Use the tips and sample answers provided to navigate these questions with confidence. Stay calm, be yourself, and showcase your true potential. Good luck with your next interview!

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