Vaginal Dryness: Natural Home Remedies That Work

Vaginal dryness is very common and can occur at any time in a woman’s life.  However, it occurs most often in menopausal and post-menopausal women.    So, if it’s that common, why don’t we talk more about it?  And, why do we secretly go online and search for it instead of talking to other women … read more

Bowl of salt

Ease a Sore Throat with a Warm Salt Water Gargle

A sore throat is common during the cold and flu season.  It is the first symptom that I have that signals that I am coming down with “something.” I have never had the flu, but I get a bad cold at least once a year that often starts with a sore throat.  My trusted home … read more

Ginger Tea

Knock That Cold Out With Caribbean Ginger Tea with Lemon and Honey

Head off the cold and flu season with my Caribbean version of ginger tea.  Ginger root (or simply ginger) is a staple in Caribbean kitchens. Ginger gets its unique flavor and smell from gingerol, the chemically active compound that contains numerous health benefits.  Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbical properties that will help to temporary relieve … read more