55 Powerful Affirmations for Health and Healing

Affirmations for healing butterfly

Many people use affirmations for health to cope with an illness or empower themselves on their self-care and wellness journey. If you’re not familiar with affirmations, they are positive statements or phrases you repeat to encourage and empower yourself.  Notably, repeating them through the day replaces or challenges negative self-talk.  Let’s face it.  When we feel sick or receive a devastating diagnosis, negative thoughts and beliefs often crowd our minds and affect our mental health.  So, why not use positive affirmations for health to challenge those negative, unhelpful thoughts that try to convince you that you will never get well?

Now, you don’t want to miss this.  According to Walter Jacobson, M.D., a psychiatrist, there is an incredible connection between the mind and body.  Furthermore, many scientists and practitioners advocate that healing the mind is essential for good health and healing the body.  Using positive health affirmations on a daily basis reprograms our subconscious mind and helps us manifest our desires.  In this case, our desire is health and healing.  

How to Use Affirmations for Health

So, how often and when should you use health affirmations?  As mentioned in a previous post, I recommend that you start with a 21-day affirmation program.  At a minimum, repeat each affirmation ten times when you wake in the morning and ten times before bed.  However, I also recommend repeating them any time in the day when you need to get fierce and call on your inner warrior woman.  I also feel calm and peaceful when I repeat them before a medical appointment.

  • Type or write out the affirmations
  • Write a different affirmation in your journal each day
  • Create a vision board for your health and healing and include affirmations
  • Put the affirmations where you can see them easily

Now, you don’t want to miss this point.  You cannot just repeat these affirmations for health like a robot and expect to heal.  It doesn’t work that way.  Indeed, you have to show up and do the work as part of your personal growth and development.  These affirmations are one of the many tools in your self-care kit. You must also:

  • Eat healthy foods
  • Exercise regularly
  • Gets enough sleep
  • Take your medication
  • Go to your medical appointments
  • Pray and meditate
  • Etc.

More importantly, you must have faith and believe that you are worthy of a healthy body, mind, and soul.

Affirmations for health--I am worthy

Health and Healing Affirmations to Recharge Your Body

Have you recently been diagnosed with an illness?  Do you have a chronic disease that occupies your mind all day?  Or, are you in the process of recovering from an illness? Regardless of your illness or recovery stage, these powerful affirmations for health can work with your treatment plan to recharge your body.

  1. I am worthy of a healthy body, mind, and soul.
  2. The cells in my body are alive and vibrant.
  3. My body is strong enough to fight this illness.
  4. I choose to make time to care for my body.
  5. I feel healthy, happy, and terrific.
  6. My illness does not define me.
  7. Fear does not own me.
  8. I provide my body with nourishing foods every day.
  9. My body is healing right now.
  10. I am whole.
  11. I speak gently and kindly to my body as it heals.
  12. My body grows stronger every day.
  13. I celebrate the progress that I make.
  14. I surrender my healing to the Creator.
  15. My body grows stronger and healthier every day.
  16. I take responsibility and advocate for my health.
  17. I love my body unconditionally in sickness and in health.
  18. My body is healthy and whole.
  19. My body knows what it needs to heal.  
  20. I remind myself daily that I am enough.
  21. I make healthy choices in all areas of my life.

Lifestyle choices that help to heal and recharge your physical health include:

  • Eating three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruits daily
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Reducing sugar and salt intake
  • Getting six to eight hours of sleep at night
  • Drinking six to eight cups of water daily

Affirmations for health to use nourishing foods

Health and Healing Affirmations to Refocus Your Mind

Dealing with the daily stressors of our illness can drain our minds and make us feel anxious and depressed. However, we must remind ourselves that a healthy, focused mind is necessary for healing the body.   When we exhaust our minds with worry, fear, and doubt, the body does not have a fighting chance to heal itself.  Regardless of your illness or recovery stage, these powerful affirmations for health can work with your treatment plan to refocus your mind.

  1. I embrace music as a part of my healing.
  2. I release all guilt and shame about my body.
  3. My mind sends love, healing thoughts, and energy to all the cells in my body.
  4. I resist negative thoughts and nurture positive ones.
  5. I am happy to be alive.
  6. Today is a gift that I wholly embrace.
  7. I love and respect my body.
  8. I release regrets and disappointments.
  9. My illness is here to teach me something, and I am open to learning the lesson.
  10. I am not ashamed to ask for help.
  11. I seek silence and solitude to renew my mind.
  12. Slowing down is necessary for my healing.
  13. I stare at my fears and refuse to blink.
  14. My tears are a part of my healing.
  15. Crying reminds me that I am human. 
  16. I love myself.
  17. I send love and positive thoughts to where it hurts.

Lifestyle choices that help to heal and refocus your mind include:

  • Listening to music
  • Reading
  • Using essential oils and aromatherapy
  • Coloring, drawing, painting, or doodling without distraction
  • Taking a break from social media
  • Turning off my phone

Health and Healing Affirmations to Refresh Your Soul

Just like our bodies need healthy foods, exercise, and rest to thrive, our souls also need proper care and refreshment if we want to be spiritually healthy.  When we intentionally cultivate our spiritual health, we refresh our souls.  Indeed, when our souls are restored, we find strength in adversity and persist through our difficulties.  Regardless of your illness or recovery stage, these powerful affirmations for health can work with your treatment plan to refresh your soul.

  1. I choose to sing a new song.
  2. I surround myself with loving and positive people.
  3. My body is the temple of the living God.
  4. I harness my breath to heal my body, mind, and soul.
  5. I am blessed.
  6. Laughter heals my body.
  7. I feed my soul daily.
  8. Good health is my birthright.
  9. I walk by faith and not by sight.
  10. Love and light surround me.
  11. I celebrate the small wins.
  12. I choose to tell a new story.
  13. My soul is full and satisfied.
  14. I love myself.
  15. Love, light, and laughter surround me. 
  16. I choose life.
  17. I forgive myself.

Lifestyle choices that help to heal and refresh your soul include:

  • Keeping a journal
  • Writing a gratitude list daily
  • Meditating
  • Praying
  • Deep breathing
  • Drawing boundaries
  • Learning when to say “no” to the people and things that drain you
  • Knowing when to say “yes” to the things that scare you
  • Joining a spiritual community
  • Being a part of a sister circle

Now, It’s Your Turn

Well, I hope you’ve learned more about how affirmations for health help to heal the body.  The information in this post is not medical advice.  Furthermore, it does not replace or contradict the advice from medical providers.  However, these positive affirmations are additional tools to have in your self-care toolkit.  I think you will also enjoy reading I AM affirmations to crush your goals, beautiful Black queen quotes about loving your body, empowering quotes on being fearless, and 13 daily affirmations for weight loss.

Which five of these health affirmation can you start using today?

We look forward to hearing about your experience with using positive affirmations.  And, you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Page.

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Eat. Move. Breathe.

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