4 Cheap Must-Have Fitness Products for Your Home Workout
Get a great home workout with a few basic, inexpensive fitness products. Use them in place of or to supplement your workouts at the gym. No more excuses.
Get a great home workout with a few basic, inexpensive fitness products. Use them in place of or to supplement your workouts at the gym. No more excuses.
Leisha McKinley-Beach draws you in quickly with her big smile and twinkling in her eyes. As a student in my nutrition education class about two decades ago, she spoke very little. However, her eyes followed my every movement. At the end of the semester, she gave the best presentation in the class. This shy, quiet … read more
Journal prompts are great tools to help with anxiety and other stressful moments in your life. As I mentioned in a previous post, journal writing is an effective way to deal with the small and not-so-small things that cause you to worry, become anxious, and procrastinate. Additionally, if you have been diagnosed with any form … read more
Waiting well. This must be one of the most difficult things to do in life. And, while we know that we must wait and need to wait on many things, we just absolutely hate to do it. However, how we wait and get through the difficulties of life are important for our emotional and mental … read more
Self-care is a popular term that is used, and it means different things to different people. However, at its core, self-care means that you intentionally choose to have a healthy relationship with yourself. Additionally, it means that you do all that you can to take care of all the dimensions of your self—body, mind, and … read more