180+ Positive Morning Affirmations for an Incredibly Productive Day

Morning repeating morning affirmations with open hands

Morning affirmations are an important part of my day. I love mornings. Yes, I am one of those morning people who wake up smiling and singing. Mornings are the best part of the day because they offer hope and renewal. More importantly, morning rituals like repeating affirmations set the tone and declare your intentions for the rest of the day. 

The morning routine that sets me up for an incredibly productive day includes:

  • Reading something spiritual and inspirational
  • Praying
  • Journaling
  • Repeating affirmations
  • Doing a short deep breathing practice
  • Stretching

Consistently doing my morning routine improves the quality of my day and the quality of my life, deepens my spiritual and emotional connections with God and others, reduces stress, and makes me more pleasant to live with.

Of course, someone had to come up with an awesome term like “miracle morning.” The term miracle morning is often attributed to Hal Elrod. Elrod uses the concept SAVERS as the foundation to create a miracle morning. SAVERS stands for silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, read, and scribe.

What Are Positive Morning Affirmations?

Morning affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself as part of your morning routine. Affirmations are not just wishful thinking. Repeating affirmations can affect mind-body connections. Among other things, psychiatrist Walter Jacobson, M.D. advocates the power of the mind to heal illnesses, challenge negative self-talk, end self-sabotage, and promote happiness, well-being, and success.

Notably, everyone can benefit from using affirmations, including kids. Indeed, affirmations are beneficial for children who are vulnerable to negative thoughts and self-criticism.  By repeating positive statements about themselves, children can learn to love and accept themselves just as they are.

How to Use Morning Affirmations

So, how do you get into the habit of using morning affirmations?  Well, there are no hard and fast rules for using affirmations.  However, the approach varies depending on your lifestyle and family responsibilities. Furthermore, you know your dreams, goals, desires, fears, disappointments, and struggles.

  • Choose a few affirmations on which to focus for the day or week.
  • Set aside 3 to 5 minutes in the morning.
  • Repeat each affirmation 10 to 12 times.
  • Make affirmation flashcards.
  • Learn the meaning of the word and its alternatives.
  • Choose a mixture of adjectives, nouns, and action verbs.
  • Focus on ones that speak to your needs and situations (e.g., success, confidence, anxiety, health). 

Incorporate in Morning Routines

Practice the affirmations as a part of your morning routine. Morning routines set the day’s intentions and establish a growth mindset. In addition to my morning routine before going to work, I also repeat them during the day whenever I need to get fierce and connect with my inner warrior spirit.

Now, you don’t want to miss this. I also write out my affirmations in my journal and incorporate them into my morning prayers.

If you have small children, teach them to repeat their daily affirmations. And for older children, I recommend that they write out the affirmations daily in their journals. They can also add affirmations as the screensaver on their phones.

Repeat in Front of The Mirror

One of the most powerful ways to practice affirmations is to repeat them in front of a mirror.  How often do you look in the mirror and smile at yourself? I love to get into my Wonder Woman pose, point at myself, or do a fist pump in the mirror when I repeat my affirmations. Just do whatever works for you.

Woman writing morning affirmations in journal

Put Morning Affirmation Cards and Notes in a Self-Soothe Box

Self-soothe boxes are not just for children. A self-soothe box contains items that ground you, calm them, and reduce symptoms of stress, nervousness, anxiety, or panic attacks.  A self-soothe box includes a variety of sensory items.  Choose items that stimulate the five senses: smell, vision, sound, taste, and touch.  Suggestions for your self-soothe box include:

  • List of affirmations
  • Soft cuddly blanket, socks, sweater, stuffed animal
  • Sensory toys
  • Souvenirs
  • Photos
  • Coloring book and crayons
  • Soothing smells (lavender spray, etc.)
  • Music box

Incorporate Morning Affirmations into Vision Boards

Do you have a vision board? If not, then consider making one.  If you’re not familiar with a vision board, it is a physical depiction of your goals and dreams.  Many people use poster boards, whiteboards, or scrapbooks. A vision board often contains pictures, magazine clippings, words, and quotes.  Many people also add positive affirmations. 

Create an Affirmation Poster

Affirmation posters are available for purchase online.  However, a thoughtful, fun, and creative idea is to create and frame an affirmation poster that is uniquely yours.  If you create them on a computer, change the poster in the frame each month or a few times a year.  Affirmation posters also make great gifts for friends and the children in your life.

Morning affirmations to conquer fear

The Power of I AM Morning Affirmations

Two of the most powerful words that change lives are “I AM.” When we declare “I AM,” we become fierce and get into warrior mode.  Unfortunately, many people mistake “I AM” for self-glorification.” However, I believe that when we do so, we acknowledge every good thing that the Creator and Universe have for us.  I AM affirmations also dig up and sift through the hidden treasures in our hearts and soul. Learn the power of I AM affirmations and also teach them to your children.

I AM . . .

  1. A warrior.
  2. Persistent.
  3. Unstoppable.
  4. Ready to fly.
  5. Destined for greatness.
  6. Brave.
  7. Enough.
  8. Strong.
  9. Intelligent.
  10. Smart.
  11. Creative.
  12. Loving.
  13. Generous.
  14. Kind.
  15. Gentle.
  16. Humble.
  17. Worthy.
  18. Beautiful.
  19. Thankful.
  20. Whole.
  21. Compassionate.
  22. Joyful.
  23. Perfectly me.
  24. Unique.
  25. Special.
  26. A valuable person.
  27. A leader.
  28. Capable of achieving my goals.
  29. A good friend.
  30. Loved and accepted by others.
  31. Competent and capable in all areas of life.
  32. Crushing my goals.

Flower blooming with morning affirmations quote

Positive Morning Affirmations for Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder for adults and children.  It affects about 30% of adults at some point in their lives. You may be feeling anxious about your finances, job, marriage, or children.  

In many cases, these negative thoughts and beliefs crowd their minds and affect our mental health.   If you experience anxiety regularly, you will benefit from having a self-soothe box.  Additionally, repeating positive morning affirmations works well when you’re stressed, anxious, sad, or fearful. 

  1. My mental health matters.
  2. I’ve got this.
  3. It’s OK to be scared.
  4. I am loved and protected.
  5. I am brave.
  6. The butterflies in my stomach are here to help me.
  7. I feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful.
  8. I believe in myself.
  9. Every day brings new opportunities.
  10. I can do anything.
  11. It’s going to be OK.
  12. It’s OK to ask for help.
  13. I deserve this.
  14. This is my time to soar.
  15. Fear does not own me.
  16. I embrace change.
  17. My monsters do not exist.
  18. My nightmares are not real.
  19. I talk back to my worry bullies.
  20. I refuse to quit.

Read Prayers for Healing and Strength: A 30-Day Journal to Stop Emotional Eating, Stress Eating, and Binge Eating

Morning affirmation quote

Positive Morning Affirmations on Health and Healing

Have you been recently diagnosed with an illness?  Or are you in the process of recovering from an illness?  Whether it’s a long-term or short-term illness, we often get scared and anxious when we are sick.  Sometimes it is difficult to stop all the negative questions that enter our minds. “Why is this happening to me?” “When will I get better?” “How long will this illness last?” “Will I be healed?” How are you feeling?”

When these negative thoughts enter your mind, replace them with something positive. Claim your healing early in the morning. Regardless of the illness or stage of recovery, these powerful affirmations work well with your treatment plan to refocus your mind and recharge your body.

  1. My illness does not define me.
  2. The cells in my body are fighting for me.
  3. My body is strong enough to fight this illness.
  4. I choose to make time to care for my body.
  5. I feel healthy, happy, and terrific.
  6. It’s OK to be scared.
  7. I eat healthy foods every day.
  8. My body is healing right now.
  9. I am whole.
  10. I speak gently and kindly to my body as it heals.
  11. My body grows stronger every day.
  12. I celebrate the progress that I have made.
  13. I trust God to heal me. 
  14. My body grows stronger and healthier every day.
  15. I advocate for my health.
  16. I love my body.
  17. My body is healthy and whole.
  18. I am thankful for today.
  19. My body knows what it needs to heal.  
  20. I can cheer myself up when I’m sad.
  21. Today is a good day to be alive. 
  22. I make healthy choices every day.
  23. My team is praying for me.
  24. I’ve got this.
  25. It’s OK to ask for help.
  26. I’m not afraid of a challenge.
  27. I am healed.

Read It’s Our Time: A Call-and-Response Journal of Women’s Voices

Miracle morning affirmations

Miracle Morning Affirmations

Do you believe in miracles? I do. According to the Oxford Dictionary, a miracle is a surprising and welcome event that is the work of a Divine agency. A miracle is not explained by natural or scientific laws. These miracle affirmations are rooted in Scripture.

  1. Today is a miraculous day.
  2. Today is full of new opportunities,
  3. This is an amazing day.
  4. I am blessed.
  5. God has great plans for me.
  6. I welcome miracles.
  7. I receive all that God has for me.
  8. My miracle is on its way.
  9. I am fulfilled.
  10. I believe that everything works for my good.
  11. Positivity and optimism surround me.
  12. I am enough.
  13. I will fear no evil.
  14. Joy lives in me.
  15. I shed old relationships.
  16. I shed old beliefs and thinking.
  17. There is a reason for closed doors.
  18. I stand firm and will not be moved.
  19. I wait patiently for God to move in my life.
  20. Peace, joy, and contentment wash over me.
  21. I belong.
  22. I have a lot to offer.
  23. My difference makes me unique.
  24. I am worthy just because of who I am.
  25. I choose to pray for people who are unkind to me.
  26. Nobody’s perfect, and there’s nothing wrong with me.
  27. I stand up for my beliefs.
  28. I am surrounded by love.
  29. Nothing more and nothing less.
  30. I vibrate with success.
  31. God is my refuge and strength.

Woman meditating and reflecting on morning affirmations

Morning Affirmations for Self-Love

Self-love does not come easy for everyone.  In fact, I think that loving ourselves unconditionally is one of the hardest things to do.  And self-love gets even more difficult in a society where it seems that we often hustle and grind at the expense of our mental and physical selves. 

At its core, self-love means prioritizing your health and well-being.  It’s not a narcissistic “me first all day and every day.” Instead, it is more of “a healthy, whole me is my best gift to myself, family, and the world.”  It’s also important to teach children self-love and to be proud of their cultural, ethnic, and religious heritage. 

  1. I deserve to be healthy and happy.
  2. I am destined for greatness.
  3. The memories of my ancestors cheer me on.
  4. I am proud of my heritage.
  5. I am proud to be Black/African American (Asian, Latino, Hispanic, Muslim, etc.)
  6. My circumstances do not define me.
  7. I am the best of my mom and dad.
  8. The people in my community continually inspire me to reach my goals.
  9. My skin is the perfect color for me.
  10. My skin is beautiful.
  11. I am not afraid to be different.
  12. I value my heritage.
  13. My hair is the perfect texture for me.
  14. My hair is a crown.
  15. I love the color of my skin.
  16. I walk with purpose.
  17. My nose is perfect for my face.
  18. I am the hero of my story.
  19. I love the shape of my eyes.
  20. Excellence is in my DNA.
  21. I am the legacy.
  22. I nurture my soul daily.
  23. My ancestors planted the seed, and I am the harvest.
  24. I have a voice, and my voice matters.
  25. I make a difference
  26. My future is bright.
  27. I walk with pride.

Read It’s My Time: A Guided Journal for Deeper Self-Love

African American woman repeating morning affirmations

Morning Affirmations to Develop a Growth Mindset

It’s essential that you learn to develop and maintain a growth mindset.  Having a growth mindset means developing your basic abilities to excel through hard work, dedication, and positive thinking.  Additionally, it means learning from mistakes and challenges and getting out of their comfort zones.

  1. I love to try new things.
  2. I go after my dreams.
  3. Mistakes help me to learn and grow.
  4. I am a problem solver.
  5. I improve with lots of practice.
  6. Success tastes so good.
  7. I embrace new challenges.
  8. I am brave enough to try.
  9. Dream big.
  10. I embrace change.
  11. I go beyond my comfort zones.
  12. Nothing starts easy.
  13. I ask for help when I need it.
  14. Challenges give me a chance to grow,
  15. I stretch myself a little every day.
  16. I can reach the stars.
  17. Attitude makes all the difference.
  18. I celebrate the small wins.
  19. I control my effort and my attitude.
  20. Progress, not perfection.
  21. I look for answers when I am stuck.
  22. I refuse to be distracted from my goals.
  23. My brain is a muscle, so I exercise it every day.
  24. I can be anything.
  25. I am smarter than I think.
Woman teaching baby morning affirmations

Morning Affirmations for Success

Too often, we let other people or situations define our success. As a result, when we internalize them, they stifle our confidence and contribute to a fixed mindset. It’s important to understand that success is not just about how we excel at our jobs, how much money we make, or what we have.  Yes, those things improve the quality of our lives. However, I believe that a growth mindset means that we thrive when challenged, harness our fears, and use failure as a springboard to success.

  1. I am smart.
  2. I am intelligent.
  3. It’s OK to ask for help.
  4. I can do anything.
  5. I am creative.
  6. It’s OK to make mistakes.
  7. I handle all my responsibilities and tasks well.
  8. Learning is fun and exciting.
  9. I turn failures into opportunities for success.
  10. I am patient.
  11. Whatever I do, I give it my best.
  12. I trust in my ability to solve problems.
  13. I trust my intuition.
  14. Today is a great day to learn something new.
  15. I manage my time well.
  16. I forgive myself for making a mistake.
  17. My future is bright.
  18. I believe in myself.
  19. I am persistent.
  20. Do it again and again.
  21. I am unstoppable.
  22. I get up when I fall.
  23. Never stop trying.
  24. I trust my mentors to give me good advice.
  25. I have resources to help me.
  26. Growth happens outside my comfort zone.
  27. I can handle any challenge.
  28. I am open to learning new things.
  29. My attitude is everything.
  30. I always give my best.
  31. I build habits that help me succeed.
  32. It’s OK to have a different learning style.
  33. I am unique.
  34. I am gifted.

Frequently Asked Questions about Affirmations

Why positive affirmations work

Are positive affirmations Biblical?

Yes. Using daily affirmations aligns well with many religious and spiritual traditions. It is a myth that using affirmations means that you don’t trust God. Let us be clear. Affirmations cannot manipulate God into doing anything for us. Instead, we open our minds and hearts to all possibilities, including closed doors and hearing “no.”

Are positive affirmations Christian?

Yes. Some people mistakenly believe that using I AM affirmations means that you are trying to be God. As Christians, we believe we are made in the image of and should reflect God in all that we say and do. Using I AM affirmations reflects that I believe and receive all that God has in store for me.

What Are 10 Affirmations You Could Say Daily?

10 affirmations that you could say daily are: 1) I am enough; 2) I turn failures into opportunities for success; 3) Fear does not own me; 4) It’s OK to make mistakes; 5) growth happens outside my comfort zone; 5) I stretch and grow a little each day; 6) I believe in myself; 7) Excellence is in my DNA; 8) I believe in miracles; 9) Good things are happening even when I can’t see them; 10) I refuse to quit.

Woman repeating morning affirmation quotes

Now It’s Your Turn

Well, I hope that you’ve learned more about the importance of using morning affirmations for an incredibly productive day. While studies document the health benefits of using positive affirmations, the information in this post is not medical advice.  Furthermore, it does not replace or contradict the advice from medical providers.

I think you will enjoy reading the post on grounding meditation: 5 minutes to a calmer youhow to make a self-soothe boxthe mental health benefits of walking outdoors, 55 powerful affirmations for health and healing, and journaling for manifestation.

We look forward to hearing about your experience with using morning affirmations.  And, you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Page.

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Keep It Tight, Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.

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